Search Products ( 搜尋商品 ) - ec-yahoo/ntu-hackathon GitHub Wiki


Search product according to conditions and/or keywords

Table name



Key Type Required Description Example
categoryId string false Search from the specified category 152981802
storeId string false Search from the specified store miu-star
storeIds string false Search from multiple specified stores , separated by comma miu-star,hanshin
keyword string false Key word used to search 隨身碟
start string false Pagination index, start from 1 1
count string false Limit number of return items 50
minPrice string false The lower price bound 500
maxPrice string false The upper price bound 9999

Sample Query

select * from ecstore.product.search_products where categoryId="152981801"

Sample response

url :*%20from%20ecstore.category.get_category%20where%20categoryId%20%3D%222144871583%22&format=json

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