Product Review ( 商品評價 ) - ec-yahoo/ntu-hackathon GitHub Wiki

Get review and rating information by product ot store

Table Name



Keys Description Required Example
targetType Which type of reviews client queries? true store or product
storeId Store ID false tw_auc_user1
productId product id false p1245665457
productIds product ids false tp1245665457,p09495497669
rating rating star or range. for bigger than queries use a trailing comma (e.g. ‘2,’ => rating >= 2); for less than queries use a comma in front (e.g. ‘,3’ => rating <= 3). for range star queries use comma separated digits (e.g. 2,4 => 2 <= rating <= 4) false 5
anonymous Whether display anonymous reviews false 0
createTimeStart review create time range starting from false 1474316760
createTimeEnd review create time range ends at false 1474316760
hasImage reviews having any images false 1
start start offset for pagination false 1
count number of reviews to get at once false 50
sortBy sorting param of response data false createTime or updateTime or rating
sortOrder sorting order of response data false desc or asc

Sample Query

select * from ecstore.rnr.product_review where targetType="product" and productId="p0084133288711" and start="1" and count="5"

Sample Response

url :*%20from%20ecstore.rnr.product_review%20where%20targetType%3D%22product%22%20and%20productId%3D%22p0084133288711%22%20and%20start%3D%221%22%20and%20count%3D%225%22&format=json

 "query": {
  "count": 1,
  "created": "2017-07-13T10:27:47Z",
  "lang": "zh-TW",
  "results": {
   "Response": {
    "Status": "ok",
    "Result": {
     "reviews": {
      "total": 24,
      "count": 5,
      "review": [
        "content": "太透明啦~~~~\n但還是好穿哦!",
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        "content": "材質很好,穿起來很秀氣。",
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