Product Review ( 商品評價 ) - ec-yahoo/ntu-hackathon GitHub Wiki
Get review and rating information by product ot store
Table Name
Keys | Description | Required | Example |
targetType | Which type of reviews client queries? | true | store or product |
storeId | Store ID | false | tw_auc_user1 |
productId | product id | false | p1245665457 |
productIds | product ids | false | tp1245665457,p09495497669 |
rating | rating star or range. for bigger than queries use a trailing comma (e.g. ‘2,’ => rating >= 2); for less than queries use a comma in front (e.g. ‘,3’ => rating <= 3). for range star queries use comma separated digits (e.g. 2,4 => 2 <= rating <= 4) | false | 5 |
anonymous | Whether display anonymous reviews | false | 0 |
createTimeStart | review create time range starting from | false | 1474316760 |
createTimeEnd | review create time range ends at | false | 1474316760 |
hasImage | reviews having any images | false | 1 |
start | start offset for pagination | false | 1 |
count | number of reviews to get at once | false | 50 |
sortBy | sorting param of response data | false | createTime or updateTime or rating |
sortOrder | sorting order of response data | false | desc or asc |
Sample Query
select * from ecstore.rnr.product_review where targetType="product" and productId="p0084133288711" and start="1" and count="5"
Sample Response
"query": {
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"created": "2017-07-13T10:27:47Z",
"lang": "zh-TW",
"results": {
"Response": {
"Status": "ok",
"Result": {
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"count": 5,
"review": [
"content": "太透明啦~~~~\n但還是好穿哦!",
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"productTitle": "MIUSTAR 荷葉袖金線花刺繡領三角鏤空雪紡上衣(共2色)【NE2310ES】預購",
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"content": "材質很好,穿起來很秀氣。",
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