Web Item ‐ Item UUID Listener - ebikatsudon/VTubeStudio GitHub Wiki
Web Items are just websites running in a browser, so they themselves could be VTS plugins and interact with VTube Studio directly. To interact with the VTS API (or at least with the item-related endpoints), the Web Item will need to know its own item instance UUID used to identify it inside of VTS.
For more general information about Web Items, check this page.
To get that ID, you can use the following javascript. You have to send the message vts_web_item_request_item_id
to VTube Studio like this:
VTube Studio will then pass you the item UUID. You can use that ID to do stuff like move the item around, pin/unpin it, delete it (thus also closing the API connection since the browser process is shutting down) and more.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>VTS Web Item ID Listener Example</title>
<h1>VTS Web Item ID Listener Example</h1>
<p id="messageDisplay">Waiting for message...</p>
<p id="itemID">Waiting for item ID...</p>
if (window.vuplex)
window.addEventListener('vuplexready', addMessageListener);
function addMessageListener()
window.vuplex.addEventListener('message', function(event)
let json = event.data;
let jsonParsed = JSON.parse(json);
// {"apiName": "VTubeStudioWebItemAPI", "messageType": "ItemID", "value": "129b5746777b4d5390ba8b36f4b4a515"}
document.getElementById('messageDisplay').textContent = 'Received JSON: ' + json;
document.getElementById('itemID').textContent = 'Item ID: ' + jsonParsed.value;