Setting up tab completion for bash - easybuilders/easybuild GitHub Wiki

Since EasyBuild v1.10.0, tab completion for bash shells is supported.

To make this active, you need to make sure the required bash functions are available, and that auto-completion for the eb command is registered. This can be done as follows after the installation of EasyBuild

For EasyBuild v2.7.0 and newer (cfr.

source `dirname $(which eb)`/minimal_bash_completion.bash
source `dirname $(which eb)`/optcomplete.bash
source `dirname $(which eb)`/eb_bash_completion.bash
complete -F _eb eb

For EasyBuild v2.6.0 and older:

source `dirname $(which eb)`/minimal_bash_completion.bash
source `dirname $(which eb)`/optcomplete.bash
complete -F _optcomplete eb

Once this is done, you should have tab completion in a bash shell working, for example:

$ eb --avail-<TAB>
--avail-easyconfig-constants   --avail-easyconfig-params      --avail-module-naming-schemes  --avail-repositories           
--avail-easyconfig-licenses    --avail-easyconfig-templates   --avail-modules-tools 
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