Reserving Meeting Rooms in SEEC - earthlab/earth-lab-operations GitHub Wiki

A guide for Earth Lab Research Scientists and Postdocs to reserve conference rooms in SEEC for any purpose. These rooms are particularly useful for attending video call meetings. These instructions can also be found in this Google Doc.

Helpful how-to video from CIRES folks:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Click the “Sign In” button

  1. Log in using your CU Boulder IdentiKey credentials
  1. Click “CREATE A RESERVATION” link
  1. Click “Book now” button for SEEC (second row from bottom as of 2022-11-01)
  1. Set the date and time for your reservation
  1. Click “Search”
  1. Rooms in the top section can be immediately reserved. Rooms in the bottom section go through a “request to reserve” process. The request process usually proceeds fairly quickly (less than a day). These rooms are a little bigger, so might be better for larger meetings. Room capacity is listed in the details for each room. The red vertical bars represent the bounds of the time window you specified for the meeting.The blue boxes are other peoples’ reservations. The green boxes are your reservations from previous sessions.
  1. The rooms you can reserve immediately are shown here:
  1. The rooms that you can request to reserve are shown here:
  1. Click the green plus sign next to the room you want to reserve and it will be added to your “Selected Rooms” section.
  1. Click the “Next Step” button near the top right of the screen
  1. Fill in all required details in both the “Event Details” section and the “Additional Information” section (asterisked items). The form won’t let you continue until you fill in all required information
  1. Click the “Create Reservation” button near the top right of your screen
  1. Done! You will receive an email confirmation of your reservation, or the progress of your request for a reservation.