Lua - dzurikmiroslav/esp32-evse GitHub Wiki

Script capability allows custom functionality of controller, is based on Lua.

Script settings are in web interface, when you can enable/disable this feature and browsing print output. In Files web interface, you can edit Lua sources. At startup file /data/init.lua will be executed. Lua sources also can be edited through WebDAV, just open in file browser url: dav://<IP>/dav/data/. I recommended this way, because you can use favorite Lua IDE...

In addition to the standard Lua functionality, there is additional modules for controlling charging controller:

evse module

Root level module, for controlling charging controller. Globally loaded, not need require this module.

Constant Description
evse.STATEA State A
evse.STATEB1 State B1
evse.STATEB2 State B2
evse.STATEC1 State C1
evse.STATEC2 State C2
evse.STATED1 State D1
evse.STATED2 State D2
evse.STATEE State E
evse.STATEF State F
evse.ERRPILOTFAULTBIT Error pilot_fault
evse.ERRDIODESHORTBIT Error diode_short
evse.ERRLOCKFAULTBIT Error lock_fault
evse.ERRUNLOCKFAULTBIT Error unlock_fault
evse.ERRRCMTRIGGEREDBIT Error rcm_triggered
evse.ERRRCMSELFTESTFAULTBIT Error rcm_selftest_fault
evse.ERRTEMPERATUREHIGHBIT Error temperature_high
evse.ERRTEMPERATUREFAULTBIT Error temperature_fault
Function Signature Description
evse.getstate ():number Get state, possible values evse.STATE...
evse.geterror ():number Get error bits, possible values evse.ERR... bits
evse.getenabled ():boolean Get charging enabled
evse.setenabled (boolean):nil Set charging enabled
evse.getavailable ():boolean Get controller available
evse.setavailable (boolean):nil Set controller available
evse.getchargingcurrent ():number Get charging current in A*10
evse.setchargingcurrent (number):nil Set charging current in A*10
evse.getpower ():number Get charging power in W
evse.getchargingtime ():number Get charging time in s
evse.getsessiontime ():number Get session time in s
evse.getconsumption ():number Get consumption in Wh
evse.getvoltage ():number,number,number Get voltages in V
evse.getcurrent ():number,number,number Get current in A
evse.getlowtemperature ():number Get low temperature
evse.gethightemperature ():number Get high temperature
evse.adddriver (table):nil Add driver


Driver is table instance which has predefined event methods:

  • loop: called every script task loop, approx 50ms
  • every100ms: called every 100ms
  • every250ms: called every 250ms
  • every1s: called every second


local mydriver = {
  every1s = function()


boardconfig module

This module providing values from board.cfg. Not globally loaded, need require this module.

Constant Description
boardconfig.ENERGYMETERNONE Energy meter none
boardconfig.ENERGYMETERCUR Energy meter current
boardconfig.ENERGYMETERCURVLT Energy meter current and voltage
boardconfig.SERIALNONE Serial none
boardconfig.SERIALUART Serial UART
boardconfig.SERIALRS485 Serial RS485
Value Description
boardconfig.devicename Name of the device (string)
boardconfig.proximity Has PP detection (bool)
boardconfig.socketlock Has socket lock (bool)
boardconfig.rcm Has residual current monitor (bool)
boardconfig.energymeter Energy meter (int), possible values boardconfig.ENERGYMETER...
boardconfig.energymeterthreephases Is energy meter three phases (bool)
boardconfig.serial1 Type of serial 1 (int), possible values boardconfig.SERIAL...
boardconfig.serial2 Type of serial 2 (int), possible values boardconfig.SERIAL...
boardconfig.serial3 Type of serial 3 (int), possible values boardconfig.SERIAL...
boardconfig.onewire Has onewire bus (bool)
boardconfig.onewiretempsensor Has temperature sensor on onewire (bool)
boardconfig.auxin AUX digital input names (string array)
boardconfig.auxout AUX digital output names (string array)
boardconfig.auxain AUX analog input names (string array)


local boardconfig = require("boardconfig")

print("device name:", boardconfig.devicename)

aux module

This module providing access to AUX. Not globally loaded, need require this module.

Function Signature Description
aux.write (string):boolean Set digital output value (string):boolean Get digital input value
aux.analogread (string):number Get analog input value

mqtt module

This module providing access to MQTT broker. Not globally loaded, need require this module.

Function Signature Description
mqtt.client (uri: string [, user: string] [, password: string]]):table Create mqtt client
mqtt.client:setonconnect (function):nil Set on connect handler
mqtt.client:setonmessage (function(topic: string, data: string):nil):nil Set on message handler
mqtt.client:connect ():nil Connects to the broker
mqtt.client:disconnect ():nil Disconnect from the broker
mqtt.client:subscribe (topic: string [, qos: number = 1]):nil Subscribe to topic
mqtt.client:unsubscribe (topic: string):nil Unsubscribe from topic
mqtt.client:publish (topic: string, data: string [, qos: number = 1] [, retry: number = 0]]):nil Publish message


local mqtt = require("mqtt")

local client = mqtt.client("mqtt://")

 client:publish("test/message", "Connected!")


json module

This module JSON serialization & deserialization. Not globally loaded, need require this module.

Function Signature Description
json.encode (table|number|boolean|string|nil[, formated: boolean]):string Encode Lua value to JSON
json.decode (string):table|number|boolean|string|nil Decode from JSON to Lua value


local json = require("json")

local value = {
  num = 123,
  str = "abc",
  logical = true
print(json.encode(value, true))

Complex example

Here is example with two drivers, first handling emergency stop button, second sending telemetry data to thingsboard cloud. For better code readability, each driver is in its own script file, the main script init.lua imports them.

File /data/init.lua:


Fili /data/emstop.lua:

local aux = require("aux")

return {
  every1s = function ()
    local emstop ="IN2")
    if not emstop ~= evse.getavailable() then
      evse.setavailable(not emstop)

File /data/tb.lua:

local mqtt = require("mqtt")
local json = require("json")

local client = mqtt.client("mqtt://", "your password")

  print("tb contected")


function send()
  local payload = {}
  local state = evse.getstate()
  payload["session"] = (state >= evse.STATEB1 and state <= evse.STATED2) and 1 or 0
  payload["charging"] = (state == evse.STATEC2 or state == evse.STATED2) and 1 or 0
  payload["enabled"] = evse.getenabled() and 1 or 0
  payload["power"]  = evse.getpower()
  payload["consumption"] = evse.getconsumption()
  payload["voltageL1"], payload["voltageL2"], payload["voltageL3"] = evse.getvoltage()
  payload["currentL1"], payload["currentL2"], payload["currentL3"] = evse.getcurrent()
  payload["temperature"] = evse.gethightemperature()
  payload["uptime"] = os.clock()

  client:publish("v1/devices/me/telemetry", json.encode(payload))

local counter = 0

return {
  every1s = function ()
    if counter == 60 then
      counter = 0
    counter = counter + 1