Writing Papers - dynaroars/dynaroars.github.io GitHub Wiki

Managing Git repo and File structures

  1. Git repo for each paper
  • Name the repo paper_name, e.g., paper_gentree where gentree is the name of the work.
  • I do not put conference name as part of the repo name because it might end up not being in that conference. Instead I use git tag (shown below) to identify submission to conference.
  1. File structures
  • 1 directory per paper (which is a clone of a Github repo), e.g., paper_gentree
  • Within the directory, I use very few files (paper.tex) and no sub directories
    • paper.tex: I use a single TeX file for the entire paper.

    Others might prefer using multiple files / directories (e.g., intro.tex, eval.txt, sections/related.txt). But I find it easier to just use a single file. Even when sharing or collaborating with others, in which conflict edits can arise, a single file still works well because git is pretty good at resolving conflict issues.

    • paper.bib: I use a single BIB file for bibs. My collaborators sometimes put in their own bib files.
    • arch.(pdf|png) (optional): a diagram describing the architecture of the framework or tool

After submission

After submitting a paper, I save a copy of the submitted pdf file and create a tag for the latest commit to keep a history of that submission.

  1. Save the submitted pdf file as VenueYearX.pdf, where X is submit for the original submission version, final for final (camera-ready) version and rI for the ith revision for additional revisions between the original submission and final (e.g., for jounal).

    git add icse2021submit.pdf  
  2. Then create an annotated tag for the commit

    git tag -a icse2021submit -m "ICSE 2021 original submission" commit_hashid (optional)
    git push origin icse2021submit
    git show icse2020submit

After rebuttal

After submitting a rebuttal, save a copy of the reviews and rebuttal as a plain text file

git add pldi2023-reviews.txt
git commit -am "reviews and rebuttal"


  • Prefer high-level description than technical one
    • People will not be interested in reading the rest if they can't understand (or get excited about) Intro
    • Start technical sections with something high level, e.g., an overview picture or algorithm. Don't go directly into formulae and theorems.
    • Before (or after) presenting some technical things (e.g., a theorem), explain why it is needed or useful.
  • Think of a presentation as an introduction to a paper (i.e., after seeing the slides, people will want to read the paper); and think of the paper as an introduction to the work/code (i.e.., after reading the paper, people will want to use your work/code).