Account - dylandoamaral/ggmail GitHub Wiki

What is an account ?

An Account is the main entry of GGmail.

Authentification methods

Authentication using Google

You can log in to your Gmail account using your username and your password.

:warning: you have to allow less secure applications at to be able to interact with your gmail account.

from ggmail import Account, Google

authentication = Google(username="[email protected]", password="secret")
account = Account(authentication=authentication)

Authentication using GoogleOAuth2

It is more secure to authenticate using an access token provided by google using oauth2. To get this access token, you can check

from ggmail import Account, GoogleOAuth2

authentication = GoogleOAuth2(username="[email protected]", token="secret")
account = Account(authentication=authentication)

Here is a very simple example using google-auth and google_auth_oauthlib libraries:

from ggmail import Account, GoogleOAuth2
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow

scopes = [""]

flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file("credentials.json", scopes)
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)

authentication = GoogleOAuth2(username="[email protected]", token=creds.token)
account = Account(authentication=authentication)
with account:
    # Do stuff

Authentication using Outlook

You can log in to your Outlook account using your username and your password.

from ggmail import Account, Outlook

authentication = Outlook(username="[email protected]", password="secret")
account = Account(authentication=authentication)

Manage the account session

The first time you want to interact with your email account, you will have to create an Account object. You will then have to create a session. GGmail provides two ways to manage such a session.

Using login/logout

You can manage a session using Account.login and Account.logout, you will be able to interact with your gmail account between the two instructions.

from ggmail import Account, Google

authentication = Google(username="[email protected]", password="secret")
account = Account(authentication=authentication)
# Do stuff with it

Using context manager

You can manage a session using python context manager. It is syntactic sugar that will safely close the session when you are done with it.

from ggmail import Account, Google

authentication = Google(username="[email protected]", password="secret")
with Account(authentication=authentication) as account:
  # Do stuff with it

Fetch mailboxes

By default, GGmail will not fetch your mailboxes when you login. However it will, if you attempt to get a mailbox.

You have several ways to get a mailbox, the best ways to retrieve your target mailbox are:

mailboxes = account.mailboxes() # Retrieve all mailboxes
mailboxes = account.customs() # Retrieve all mailboxes that you created

mailbox = account.inbox() # Retrieve your inbox mailbox
mailbox = account.trash() # Retrieve your trash mailbox
mailbox = account.drafts() # Retrieve your mailbox containing draft messages
mailbox = account.important() # Retrieve your mailbox containing important messages based on google algorithm
mailbox = account.sent() # Retrieve your mailbox containing sent messages
mailbox = account.no_select() # Retrieve your mailbox containing no_select messages
mailbox = account.flagged() # Retrieve your mailbox containing starred messages
mailbox = account.all_() # Retrieve your mailbox containing all messages
mailbox = account.junk() # Retrieve your mailbox containing junk messages

Create mailbox

You can create a new custom mailbox providing the path.

mailbox = account.create_mailbox("Parent/MyCustomMailbox")

Delete mailbox

You can delete a custom mailbox either providing a mailbox instance or a path.

mailbox = account.mailbox_from_path("Parent/MyCustomMailbox")
# Or