PINTS Overview - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki


PINTS (Prior Information Templates) is a program used to generate simulated semi-LASER 1 H-MRS prior information templates (basis sets). With PINTS program, you can:

  • Create simulated basis sets using preloaded semi-LASER and LASER sequences at 3T, 7T, and 9.4T field strengths.
  • Add pre-defined empirical macromolecule models to your basis sets.
  • Visualize the simulated basis sets.
  • Define relationships between shifts, amplitudes, and phases on the simulated basis sets and generate FITMAN compatible constraint files (*.cst).
  • Based on the defined constraints, generate FITMAN compatible guess files (*.ges).


PINTS is organized in a tabbed format. The tabs represent the steps you need to complete to generate a simulated basis set.

Instructions for each tab are given below: