🚀 Deploy Backend - dvsa/des-workflow-actions GitHub Wiki


This reusable workflow automates the deployment process for a DES backend service into the development environment. It includes steps for auditing dependencies, building, testing, packaging, and deploying Lambda functions, as well as sending notifications to a Microsoft Teams channel.

Workflow Triggers

On Workflow Call

This workflow is called from the DES backend service repositories when a change is pushed into the develop branch. It can also be manually run from the desired repository. It will also be used when creating a release tag from a backend service repository if no artefacts exists for the commit associated with the tagged release version.

Environment Variables

Name Description
DES_ACCESS_TOKEN The access token required to access the DVSA private packages
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID AWS Account ID for the MGMT account
DVSA_AWS_REGION The AWS region for deployment (defined as org secret)
NVMRC The version of NodeJS outlined in .nvmrc
SERVICE_NAME The microservice name outlined in package.json
ARTEFACT_S3 The S3 artefact bucket in the MGMT AWS account
VERSION The artefacts / component manifest version
GIT_REV The artefacts / component manifest short commit
SONAR_TOKEN SonarQube token used for authentication
SONAR_HOST_URL The URL for the SonarQube server
MSTEAMS_WEBHOOK Webhook URL for the Microsoft Teams channel


Name Description Options
audit Whether an audit should be run to detect vulnerabilities in packages true | false
audit-level Minimum level at which the audit check should fail if detected high
component The associated Terraform component for the service api /
branch The branch of the service to build the artefacts from develop | release-*


  • The packaged lambda code, reports, and coverage is uploaded to the GutHub Action Summary
  • The lambda code is uploaded to S3
  • The generated version of the manifest for the service is uploaded to S3
  • The test reports are also upload to S3


  • The workflow assumes the presence of a serverless.yml file.
  • Lambda functions are deployed to AWS Lambda using the AWS CLI.
  • The generated manifest will be downloaded when running a Terraform Plan for a UAT deployment. It will combine the manifest with other manifests from the same Terraform component to generate the release tfvars for a specific release.
  • Notifications are sent to Microsoft Teams upon completion of the workflow. The workflow uses a custom action designed to combine multiple steps from multiple jobs. Currently the official action only supports the current job context, so the custom action combines each job context and generates a json file to be passed into the official action. This gives us a better view of the entire workflow execution results.