Features List - dvidale/python-react-group-proj GitHub Wiki

DashDine is a website for users to order delivery and rate restaurants and services.

1. Restaurants

  • Users should be able to view all restaurants for delivery.
  • Users should be able to create a restaurant.
  • Users should be able to update their restaurant(s).
  • Users should be able to delete their restaurant(s).

2. Reviews

  • Users should be able to view all reviews on a restaurant.
  • Users should be able to create a review for a restaurant.
  • Users should be able to update their reviews for a restaurant.
  • Users should be able to delete their reviews from a restaurant.

3. Shopping Cart

  • Users should be able to view all menu items added to their cart.
  • Users should be able to add menu items to their shopping cart.
  • Users should be able to remove menu items from their shopping cart.
  • Users should be able to perform a "transaction" to complete their purchase.

4. Menu Items

  • Users should be able to view all menu items for a restaurant.
  • Users should be able to add menu items to their restaurants.
  • Users should be able to update menu items on their restaurants. * Future Feature
  • Users should be able to delete menu items from their restaurants.

5. Bonus: Search

  • Users should be able to search for restaurants. * Optional Feature
  • Users should be able to view the results of their search. * Optional Feature

6. Bonus: Past Order/Reorder

  • Users should be able to view their past orders. * Optional Feature
  • Users should be able to reorder any of their past orders. * Optional Feature