Convar tweaks - dvdvideo1234/LaserSTool GitHub Wiki

Customize unit models

laseremitter_mcrystal > Controls the crystal model
laseremitter_mreflect > Controls the reflector model
laseremitter_mrefract > Controls the refractor model
laseremitter_mspliter > Controls the splitter model
laseremitter_mdivider > Controls the divider model
laseremitter_msensor  > Controls the sensor model
laseremitter_mdimmer  > Controls the dimmer model
laseremitter_mportal  > Controls the portal model
laseremitter_msplitrm > Controls the splitter multy model
laseremitter_mparalel > Controls the paralleller multy model
laseremitter_mfilter  > Controls the filter model

Customize addon behavior

laseremitter_maxspltbc  > Maximum splitter output laser beams count
laseremitter_maxbmwidt  > Maximum beam width for all laser beams
laseremitter_maxbmdamg  > Maximum beam damage for all laser beams
laseremitter_maxbmforc  > Maximum beam force for all laser beams
laseremitter_maxbmleng  > Maximum beam length for all laser beams
laseremitter_maxbounces > Maximum surface bounces for the laser beam
laseremitter_maxforclim > Maximum force limit available to the welds
laseremitter_maxrayast  > Maximum distance to compare projection to units center
laseremitter_nspliter   > Controls the default splitter outputs count
laseremitter_xspliter   > Controls the default splitter X direction
laseremitter_yspliter   > Controls the default splitter Y direction
laseremitter_effectdt   > Controls the time between effect drawing
laseremitter_ensounds   > Trigger this to enable or disable redirector sounds
laseremitter_lndiract   > How long will the direction of output beams be rendered
laseremitter_damagedt   > The time frame to pass between the beam damage cycles
laseremitter_drwbmspd   > The speed used to render the beam in the main routine
laseremitter_vesfbeam   > Controls the beam safety velocity for player pushed aside
laseremitter_nrassist   > Controls the area that is searched when drawing assist