GPS - dtex/johnny-five GitHub Wiki

The GPS class constructs objects that represent a single GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver attached to the physical board. The receiver can be used to find current latitude, longitude, altitude, course and ground speed. GPS receivers get their signals from an array of 32 satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 12,600 miles. In other words, you can use Johnny-Five to talk to things in outer space (Is that cool or what?)

Supported chipsets, modules and breakouts:

Any GPS Module that by default transmits NMEA sentences over serial at 9600bps should "just work". If your device automatically transmits NMEA sentences at a different baud rate, you can set a custom baud rate in the configuration options.

The universe of breakouts, modules, receivers and chip sets can be confusing. Just because you don't see your device listed here doesn't mean it won't work. If you have a device that is not explicitly listed here, open an issue with links to as much documentation you can find on your device and we will take a look. If you have a device not explicitly listed here and it works, please update our list above and add and example to the eg folder.

This list will continue to be updated as more component support is implemented and tested.


  • General Options
Property Type Value/Description Default Required
port string The microcontroller's serial port to use. See more below io.SERIAL_PORT_IDs.DEFAULT no
pins array { tx: ?, rx: ?[, onOff: ?]} none no
breakout string The breakout or shield being used none no
receiver string The receiver module being used none no
chip string The chipset being used on the receiver module none no
fixed integer The number of digits after the decimal 6 no
baud integer The baud rate for communication over serial 9600 no
frequency integer The frequency of updates in hz (per second) 1 no


Property Name Description Read Only
latitude Current latitude Yes
longitude Current longitude Yes
altitude Current altitude Yes
sat Satellite operation details {pdop, hdop, vdop} Yes
course Current course Yes
speed Current ground speed Yes
time Time of last fix Yes

Component Initialization


// U-Blox NEO-6M attached to Arduino UNO on Software Serial 0, pins 10 and 11
new five.GPS([10,11]);

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout

// Adafruit Ultimate GPS attached to Arduino UNO on Software Serial 0, pins 10 and 11
new five.GPS({
  pins: [10,11],



var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var gps = new five.GPS({
    pins: {tx: 10, rx: 11}

  // If lat, long, course or speed change log it
  gps.on("change", function() {
    console.log(this.longitude, this.latitude);



  • sendCommand(commandString) Send a command to the GPS chipset. The checksum and CR/LF will be automatically appended.

    var gps = new five.GPS([10,11]);
    // Warm reboot
  • restart(coldRestart) Reboot the receiver. If coldRestart is true, all cached positioning data is flushed. If you do this, it could take up to 60 seconds to get a new fix.

    var gps = new five.GPS([10,11]);
    // Warm reboot


  • message A valid message (NMEA Sentence) was received from the GPS.

  • operations Satellite operating details have received.

  • acknowledge An "acknowledge" message was received from the GPS chipset.

  • unknown An valid but unrecognized message was received from the GPS chipset.

  • change The position has changed.

  • navigation The speed or direction has changed.

Notes on Serial

GPS is the first class in Johnny-Five to leverage firmata's new support for serial. Other IO plugins are following suit and adding their own support for serial.

The Arduino Uno has a single UART. Assuming your Arduino is connected to a computer via USB, that UART is already in use. By default the GPS class will try and use software serial to connect but please note that software serial does not work reliably above 57600bps. Other boards such as the Arduino Mega have multiple UART's so hardware serial is the better option on those boards.

Arduino boards that use the SAM and SAMD architectures (i.e. the Due and Zero) do not support Software Serial at all.
