Xiaomi WXKG12LM - dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin GitHub Wiki

Xiaomi Aqara single key wireless battery powered switch.

Model: WXKG12LM


  1. Start sensor search in Phoscon App
  2. Press and hold the small button on the side for more than 5 seconds until LED blinks


GET /sensors/<id>
    "manufacturername": "LUMI",
    "modelid": "lumi.sensor_switch.aq3",
    "type": "ZHASwitch",
    "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:01:6c:48:86-01-0006",
        "buttonevent": 1007,
        "lastupdated": "2018-11-03T04:29:12"
        "battery": 100,
        "on": true,
        "reachable": true,
        "temperature": 2100

Button events

Event Button Action
1002 One single short press
1004 One double short press
1001 One hold
1003 One hold release
1007 One shake