Tips & Tricks - dr3ams/Roguelike-Adventures-and-Dungeons-2 GitHub Wiki
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-The tips found during the in-game loading screens can be found here:
Familiarize yourself with the mechanics:
The Quest book will help you familiarize yourself with JEI, Wall Jump and provide a starter kit to help you survive.
Complete quests to earn coins. Coins can be used to purchase loot boxes, as well as a variety of useful items like raw materials, weapons and food.
Trash Slot has a Hotkey to move items into it, and a hotkey to toggle it for the container you are in
Take a few minutes to look over your keybinds. Many mods mean that many keys conflict with each other.
PMMO is dumb, there are lots of ways to exploit things and they're too lazy to fix them so have fun finding them and exploiting them forever
Binding the "wall jump" key to the same as your jump key will make wall climbing much easier in a pinch.
The Elenai Dodge Key (default left alt) can be very versatile when mastered. It can be used to close the distance between you and a ranged mob, to quickly dodge attacks while you are eating, or leap over long gaps by jumping right as you press the dodge key.
You naturally take less fall damage than usual. Leveling up your Agility stat lets you take even less fall damage.
Some unique items give PMMO XP Boosts when held in off-hand
Open Project MMO's menu (default p) to see the Glossary, you can see highest unlocked items there, or enable "showLevelUpUnlocks" in the GUI Settings for messages in chat
If you fall without using your jump, you can jump midair
Do you need to place many blocks in the same direction? Tired of placing upside-down stairs? Try enabling Rotation Lock! (default k)
The "List Players" key will show you entity names on Xaero's Minimap/WorldMap
Eat a variety of different food as it can grant a special nutritional bonus.
Not sure how to proceed? Check your advancements or quests for instructions on what to do next.
When planning to travel long distances, take advantage of waystones out in the world or purchased in the store for instant travel.
If you happen to die, your items will be stored in a gravestone at the sight of your death.
Like how something looks? Equip it in a cosmetic armor slot! To access these slots, click the armor icon found on your character display in your inventory.
Guard villagers can be seen patrolling around villages. If you can become the Hero of the Village, you can change their gear and they will help fight for you!
Do not update any mods in this modpack, every mod version has been hand picked for a reason.
Goblin Traders and Dwarves will buy ores and give you more ingots
Survival Tips:
Earplugs are a great defense earlygame only needing 2 planks and providing a small endurance boost.
Satyrs drop a wild rose on death. Standing on this flower gives you infinite absorption. Crafty players may use this to farm endurance early on without the risk of dying.
Mixed Fruit can be crafted with a bowl and 3 berries easily found in the wild, which is a huge step-up in hunger restoration compared to eating the berries alone.
Consider making the various new weapons from spartan weaponry and spartan shields. Need some defense? Make a saber! Need some extra reach? A Spear might be your weapon of choice. The handles and poles do require string but that can be easily obtained thanks to the next tip.
You can craft a set of flint tools and armor which is a tier in between stone and iron. Make the flint shears first, as this will allow you to craft the fiber mesh to obtain flint much easier.
Flint and Chainmail have completely identical defense and durability stats and both require the same amount of endurance to wear.
The Cutting Board is an incredible cheap early-game crafting station. To use it, place the board down, place the item you want to cut from your offhand, then use the right tool on it. For example it can be used to quickly obtain bark by cutting logs with an axe, which can be turned into paper without having to find sugarcanes. It can turn wool back into string and also scrap old leather gear back into leather with shears.
A sleeping bag can be used to skip the night without changing your spawn point.
The Tin pickaxe is the first pickaxe that can mine diamonds, and the Lead pickaxe is the first pickaxe that can mine obsidian.
You can craft dynamite which is a smaller tnt that can be thrown to harvest ores before you have met the pickaxe requirements.
Get a backpack ASAP, and a crafting upgrade
Cows are NOT the only way to get leather. Consider getting a cutting board, or slaying minotaur down in the caves.
Paxels exist and are a nice way to reduce inventory clutter
Gold tools give way more xp boosts
Looking for a particular biome? Use a nature's compass.
Players interested in archery will find it much to obtain arrows, as well as many new ones. Wooden Arrows are a cheap but weaker alternative to regular arrows Chickens can be sheared to obtain feathers without killing them
You may find (and have died to) yellow and orange sparkly mobs throughout your journey. These are champion mobs, much more powerful versions of standard mobs. In the earlygame it is recommended not to fight them head on, use the environment to your advantage.
Mobs in boats will be unable to turn once they get stuck in it. This is useful for weapons with the ability to backstab, which is a powerful damage multiplier for hitting enemies in the back.
Spawners and Monster Boxes (red cages) drop Spirit Orbs when mined. These are used to craft Gate Pearls.
Gate Pearls are a great alternative to mob farming, allowing you to quickly multiply your mob resources once you have a few.
All spears increase your attack reach distance.
Tired of your pets dying all the time? Give them some of your armor! Sneak-click to equip it to them or swap it out with a different one.
Villagers do not trade enchanted books in this pack. Luckily there are many other ways to obtain them, like from fishing, champions, looting structures, and even End Infusion. Don't like the ones you find? Use the Altar of the Sea to recycle them into new more powerful ones!
-Check the Disenchanting Quest near the enchanting table quest to see how to disenchant items.
-When wearing the Ring of Seven Curses, Elder Guardians have a chance to drop the Heart of the Guardian. Use this to distract endermen from attacking you in the end.
Dimension and Enemy Combat Tips:
Dragons are much tougher in this modpack. Rushing them is not recommended.
Barakoa tribes are normally hostile, but maybe you could trade with them if you had a disguise...
When fighting the Starlit Crusher in the Everbright dimension throwing a spear at them allows you to briefly stun him and make him vulnerable to attacks.
Sleeping Frostmaws leave their crystal in the open. Perhaps if you could go find a way to go unseen you could grab it...
The Ferrous Wroughtnaut tends to get his axe stuck in the ground when attacking. This is the perfect opportunity to strike his back, daggers and axes are most effective!
The Twilight Forest keeps track of your progress. If you can't advance in a certain biome, you may have unfinished business in another.
The Twilight Lich's Shields can only be damaged through certain magic attacks, like reflecting its oncoming ender pearl attack (but not the explosive attack). Having a hard time reflecting them? Just stand in front of the real lich with one of his clones behind him! The shield can also be damaged through certain other items* like splash healing potions and the lightning quiver.
If you think death worms are the cutest creatures to ever exist, well you're in luck! Kill them for a chance to get an egg and raise one as a pet!
There's so much sand in the Tropics... pass some through a sifter and you might find something interesting.
Minotaurs will run in place before charging at the player. Use a shield or dodge out of the way, or use this as an opportunity to defeat them before they finish charging.
Use a variety of weapons when fighting Adaptable Champion mobs. They will take less damage the more you keep using the same attack against them.