Survival Guide - dr3ams/Roguelike-Adventures-and-Dungeons-2 GitHub Wiki

recyclingtiger's minimal rng survival guide to RAD2

  • -This guide will try to avoid grinding, finding specific structures and xp farming as much as possible so while I may mention structures for easy loot I'll give alternative methods when they come up. This guide also assumes you are starting a new survival world with or without other players who are also starting out and playing cooperatively with you, aka singleplayer or a private multiplayer game with friends.

  • Due to their random spawning nature similar to that of structures Ice and Fire Dragons will also not be covered in depth in this guide.

  • -The guide as the name suggests is not a requirement just a suggestion. Some things can be done out of order.

Part 1: Getting started with the quest book and teams

  • -When starting out, claim the rewards in the quest book for free stuff like food, coins and xp. You can get starting gear from a specialization but I will not be mentioning them in depth in the guide as the stuff you get depends on the specialization picked.

  • -If playing multiplayer and prefer to complete quests together you can use the /ftbteams party create <name> command to create a party and /ftbteams party invite <playername> to invite other players to your team. Do note that claiming a specialization will give all players the same one so make sure to claim it before creating or joining a team.

  • +If another player invites you to their team, type ftbteams party join <name> to join them.

  • -Also if you prefer to share pmmo xp with team members you can use the pmmo party create command to do so, /pmmo party invite <playername> to invite someone, and pmmo party accept to accept someone else's invitation.

  • +Players in a Pmmo Party will also take reduced friendly fire from each other.

Part 2: Actually getting started with survival:

  • -While holding an item (like the quest book) in your hand, hold ` while chopping down a tree to break the whole tree. Only logs and ores can be veinmined this way.

  • -You can hold sneak against a wall to cling onto it. Press jump again to jump off the wall, allowing you to scale up to 3 block high walls. This will come in handy when attacked by enemies. When in a panic you can just spam space+shift against a wall and that often works too.

  • -Using a crafting table craft earplugs, a cutting board, a wooden or stone pickaxe, and a wooden or stone shovel. You can use the search bar on the right of your inventory to see how to craft them. This menu is called JEI or Just Enough Items, and I will refer to it as JEI in the rest of this guide.

  • -Save the earplugs until you have Endurance 2 which you can then wear them for +1 armor point.

  • -Mine stone to make stone tools and furnace. The stone tools can be combined into a stone paxel to save inventory space.

  • -Harvest berry bushes and craft them into mixed fruit bowls using a bowl and 3 of any berry (can be the same or different). You may notice there is a bread icon in your inventory which shows how much nutrients you have. Don't worry about managing it at the moment, while you do get buffs for keeping it well-managed, there is no adverse effect for not doing so.

  • -Obtain gravel

  • +place the cutting board down then place the gravel in your offhand and the shovel in your mainhand. Stand next to the board and spam right click it. This will generate extra flint

  • +Once you have at least 2 flint craft the flint shears. This will allow you to get wool and more flint easier.

  • +If you have extra flint you can craft flint tools and armor.

  • -Using the shears cut grass (or short grass) to craft grass fibers.

  • -use the grass fibers to make a mesh, which can craft gravel into flint.

  • -find wool from structures or shear sheep. Get some extra wool to make a sleeping bag, which will allow you to skip the night without changing your spawn point.

  • -using the cutting board, place the wool in offhand and shears in mainhand to turn it into string.

  • -Try to make a backpack as soon as possible as the extra 27 slots of storage will be very helpful. You will need 4 leather, 4 string and a wooden chest. You have string from wool and the chest from wood so all you need is 4 leather.

  • -If no cows are nearby you can also find leather from certain enemies like minotaurs, and wilden stalker wings can be crafted into leather as well. If you have enough leather and have some spare wilden wings I recommend keeping one as it will be useful later in this guide.

  • -If you are really scarce on leather you can also put the leather armor you started with in the offhand with the shears to turn them into 2 leather.

  • -After getting enough leather for the backpack you can craft it, wear the backpack in the back slot and press B to open it.

Part 3: First Combat:

  • -Time to delve in the caves and prepare for a fight! Craft a stone sword or axe, a boat, and a crude wooden shield.

  • -With an axe in the mainhand and logs in offhand you can create bark which can be turned into paper.

  • -Craft a bow if you have at least agility 3 from running around at this point, and use the paper to make wooden arrows.

  • -Alternatively when you have the combat requirements crafting a boomerang from spartan weaponry can be useful for reliable medium range damage

  • -Keep any rotten flesh, bones, and spider eyes for later. You will need these to summon your first boss fight.

  • -Grave Dust will drop from certain undead enemies. Picking up your first one unlocks levels in the Knowledge of Death, which are extra perks that buff the player. You can set a keybind to "Knowledge of Death" to be able to open it whenever you want without waiting for the chat message. If you find yourself dying a lot picking Jailer or Memento Mori are good picks to retain your xp or get back into the fight quicker. If you don't die that often Treasure Seeker is a good option to get more grave dust of the Scribe perk, which will be helpful for disenchanting later on.

  • -Even rarer you may find Essence of Undeath which is a key component to crafting decorative graves, also useful for disenchanting later on.

  • -When you die, your items will be put in a grave. You can open it with a grave key you get upon respawning. If you got the Jailer perk there's a chance it will be an enchanted key which lets you instantly teleport to your grave by holding down right click.

  • +Use the wall-cling mentioned earlier to escape from basic enemies like zombies.

  • +When eating while running away spam the left alt button to negate the slowdown and gain brief invulnerability. Watch the blue feather meter as this shows how many times you can dodge. Wearing heavy armor prevents you from dodging as much. Note that Left Alt also toggles the pmmo skill list so you may want to rebind "Show List" to something else.

  • +Mobs can sometimes inflict the bleeding effect on you. Bandages from the majurszs difficulty mod can remove that effect, and golden ones make you immune to it for 2 minutes. They can be crafted from string which you can get from wool as mentioned earlier.

  • +While running from a mob place the boat on the ground below you to trap mobs chasing you down giving you a free kill.

  • +Some enemies have yellow and orange sparkles around them. These are champions, much tougher variants of the normal mobs. Try to avoid fighting these foes head-on and use your wall-cling and boat trapping to your advantage to take them down. If all else fails, escaping is always a valid option.

  • Defeating these Champions can drop enchanted books and coins which can be spent in the quest book's $Coin Shop$ section.

  • +Two Iron Bars lets you craft trapdoor-like blocks in your inventory crafting grid. Very handy for roguelike dungeons where iron bars are common and lets you crawl away from mobs.

  • In the shallow underground you will find coal ore, copper ore, tin ore, iron ore, and source gem ore.

  • -Just like with trees you can hold down ` while mining them to harvest the while vein at once.

  • -Iron will be the most important here, since some items made from it have no pmmo requirements to use.

  • -The Iron Ring is a curio that provides +1 free defense. Curios are passive items that can be worn in special slots accessed by pressing G. It can be crafted from 4 ingots and 4 nuggets. When crafting it you'll notice you can make chain links with the same pattern. An arrow button will appear below the output which lets you swap between the two.

  • -Chain links can make chainmail armor. Craft either Chainmail or Flint armor for a major improvement over leather armor, which you should have recycled into leather by now. They require endurance 6.

  • -To quickly get some endurance you can kill a satyr (horn dudes with flutes) to get a wild rose. This gives you infinite absorption while standing on it, giving you a safe way to earn endurance.

  • -With 8 iron ingots you can upgrade the backpack through crafting to add more slots. The backpack retains its contents when upgraded.

  • -If you still have extra leather from before you may also craft a Crafting Upgrade for the backpack to allow you to craft stuff on the go, and a leather belt for some extra armor toughness. The leather belt needs magic 2, to gain magic before gaining access to spells you can mine more Source Gem ore, open Tattered Tomes, and use unconventional attacks, like throwing rocks and dynamite at your foes or the Barbs fishing rod enchantment.

  • -Don't craft iron tools and armor. Copper and tin equipment can do the job well and you want to spend iron on other more useful things like an anvil to be able to use the enchanted books from champions. Iron equipment is also very common in structures and can often come enchanted.

  • -Copper armor is just better than iron armor in every way, granting the same defense plus some extra max health. It needs Endurance 18 though so it may take a while till you can wear it.

  • -The Mining Level of a tool shows what ore it can mine. For example the Tin Pickaxe has a mining level of "Diamond" which means it can mine diamond ores.

  • -If you find the Tombstone Soulbound enchantment apply it to your backpack to be able to retain all its contents when you die. The backpack will be on your back slot when you respawn.

  • -If you find recall or wormhole potions you can use them to teleport back home or to other players if playing in multiplayer.

  • -You may have noticed your tools and curios have additional bonuses on them. Some are obvious like +2% attack damage, others may seem more unfamiliar to you. Here are what some of them do:

  • Smite: Bonus damage to undead, pierces armor.

  • Blessed: When attacked by an undead, deal damage back

  • Serendipity: Chance to get more loot from ores and mobs

  • Life Steal: On a mob kill gain health back based on their health. The more health the mob has, the more health you gain.

  • -There are 3 additional attributes related to souls and summoning called Soul Gathering, Soul Cap, and Summon Cap. These come from the dungeons gear mod and are related to the Artifact curios. You can wear up to 3 Artifacts and activate them by pressing B, N, or M. (you may want to rebind these in the options menu, as B also opens the backpack)

  • +Soul Gathering will give you Souls on a mob kill. These fill up a blue bar on the bottom left of your screen. Some Artifacts cost these Souls to use.

  • -The tin pickaxe is the first pickaxe that can mine diamonds and other higher-tier ores. You will want to get gathering 8 to be able to use it. Mining more ores will get you there.

  • +With a tin pickaxe you can mine lead. Lead is the first pickaxe that can mine obsidian, albeit very slowly. It needs a gathering level of 25.

  • +8 Gold Ingots can upgrade an iron backpack to the next tier, giving you even more backpack space, and 8 Diamonds can upgrade a gold backpack for even EVEN more space!

  • +If you have at least 4 rotten flesh, 3 bones and 2 spider eyes you can craft the fossil bait to summon the swampjaw boss. Try finding a flat open area to summon it as they can fly through walls. Also craft a lot of wooden arrows as they are a flying foe.

  • +Swampjaw will fly around and drop explosives on you. After dropping 3 it will swoop down and try to hit you like a phantom. If you can hit them with a melee attack here you can do a lot of damage.

  • +When Swampjaw is defeated they will drop the mossy tooth which can make the caged heart, bone raker, or depth star. The caged heart while requiring a whopping 20 endurance will be very handy throughout the game. It is a body curio that halves damage taken if the damage is more than 25% of your max health, which most attacks are further in the game. If you can summon and defeat swampjaw again the bone raker is a handy hand curio with +2 attack damage. Depth star is also useful as when you hold right click lets you summon an explosion which can launch enemies in the air if you aim it at their feet.

Part 4: The basics of Ars Nouveau:

  • Getting the Leap and Break Spells early on will help make traveling and mining much easier.

  • +You'll need to craft some Magic Clay, and then craft those into Marvelous Clay.

  • +With 2 Marvelous Clay and some Source Gems you can craft the Novice Spell Book, which can cast Tier 1 Spells.

  • +The Novice Spell Book comes with a Harm spell which is a simple damaging spell. However we want the Leap and Break Spells so we will have to craft the Glyph Press to make new Glyphs to add to the book. Use Esc to close the book.

  • +While the Novice Spell book only requires 5 Magic to use, some glyphs like Break require higher magic to use in the book. Like before, to gain magic before gaining access to spells you can mine more Source Gem ore, open Tattered Tomes, and use unconventional attacks, like throwing rocks and dynamite at your foes or the Barbs fishing rod enchantment.

  • +The Glyph Press requires Arcane Stone to craft, which is simply 8 of any stone plus a Source Gem in the middle. This makes 8 Arcane Stone

  • +Using 5 Arcane Stone, a piston, an iron block, and 2 regular stone you can craft the Glyph Press.

  • +The Glyph Press requires Source to power it, which is created through Sourcelinks. In this case we will be using the Agronomic Sourcelink.

  • +Craft the Agronomic Sourcelink along with a Source Jar.

  • +Place the Agronomic Sourcelink near some growing crops and the Jar and Glyph press near the Sourcelink.

  • +When the crops grow naturally the jar will slowly fill up with source.

  • +Now that you have source for the Glyph press time to make the Leap and Break Glyphs.

  • +1 Magic Clay and 1 Wilden Wing (obtained from wilden stalkers) will give you the glyph. Right-click the glyph in hand to learn it for your spell book.

  • +The Break Glyph requires 1 Magic Clay and 1 Iron Pickaxe instead.

  • +Now that you have these 2 spells learned you will see them when opening the novice spell book.

  • +Create the leap spell by clicking Self then Leap, then Create. You can also name the spell to remember it easier.

  • When finished, close the book.

  • +With the book in hand, right clicking will now launch you in the direction you are looking at. Using this along with another item that lets you glide or block fall damage (like paragliders which can be easily crafted for found in towers) gives you an early means of flight.

  • +Now let's make the Break spell. Press C with the book in hand to re-open the spell making menu.

  • +On the right hand side click 2 to make a new spell in that slot.

  • +Click Touch then Break, name it if you want, then Create, and close the book.

  • +You can also create a third spell with Projectile instead of Touch for long-distance mining.

  • +The Break spell requires 20 magic and 30 gathering to use. Luckily now that you have the leap spell you will be able to passively gain magic xp just by traveling with the leap spell.

  • +Now you have 2 very useful spells in your "Ars"enal. Break will let you instantly break any block weaker than obsidian by just clicking on it.

  • Hold V to open a wheel that lets you switch between the 2 spells.

Part 5: Extra Dimensions (Optional):

  • +Modded dimensions are not mandatory but give you a shortcut in progression as equipment from other dimensions have lower pmmo requirements than the overworld and have better stats.

  • +Some huts in the overworld are inhabited by the Gatekeeper. If you have the emeralds you can purchase a zeal lighter to access one of the 2 blue skies dimensions, the everbright and the everdawn. A small shed or the attic contains a portal to either dimension which you can light and enter to access the dimension.

  • +Your current tools are less effective here. You will need to craft some using materials from the dimension.

  • +Falsite can be used to enhance the durability of Blue Skies equipment using a tool box.

  • +These dimensions give you access to Arcs, which are like curios but go in their own unique slots.

  • +Getting all the arcs allows you to craft the Arc-Infused Sword later on, which has massive damage but needs to recharge.

  • +You cannot break blocks in a structure until the boss has been defeated there. The alchemist & summoner towers have a lot of bookshelves you can claim after defeating them.

  • +To access the alchemist and summoner bosses you need to find 4 keys scattered throughout the tower. Hint: check the brewing stands!

  • +The food prep table can be crafted which allows you to combine any 5 foods into one bowl and get the buffs of all 5 at once. Really useful for managing

  • +A diamond can be used to access the Twilight Forest, Undergarden, and Atum dimensions.

  • +Following the twilight forest progression can grant powerful equipment:

  • +Naga Scale leggings: Tough as diamond with Protection III built in.

  • +Scepters: Fortification is the best one to get of the 4, but the other 3 are great too.

  • +Lich is guaranteed to drop ender pearls, speeding up progression. There are also plenty of bookshelves here for enchanting.

  • +Snow queen can give one of two powerful bows. The seeker bow is great for long range while the tri-bow is devastating up close with it ignoring i-frames.

  • +The Minoshroom maze's loot contains early blaze rods. It also has a secret room with a pickaxe called the mazebreaker. It gives a shortcut to mining obsidian but is hard to get. The maze is made up of two layers and on the bottom layer you will see a large dark square on the minimap. This is the location of the maze vault. Dig down to bedrock and craft a trapdoor and crawl through to disarm the tnt surrounding it. There are 16 tnt in total. Once all the tnt is gone dig up and claim the 4 chests which have a chance to get the pickaxe, along with Infinity bows and regeneration potions.

  • +Hydra and Ur-Ghast grant Fiery Gear which is as strong as netherite.

  • +Ur-Ghast's Tower contains many nether materials like a blaze spawner, nether warts, ghast tears and soul sand.

  • +The Undergarden meanwhile is less linear but allows you to obtain diamond-level gear early through Cloggrum, and overworld ores can be found on the roof of the dimension.

  • +Atum is the hardest dimension of the 3 but gives access to unique relics and early potion materials.

  • +Having Shaders can bypass the vision-blocking sandstorms.

  • +Bandits roam the dimension at day, while undead arrive at night.

  • +Wraiths in the dimension drop ectoplasm which will let you upgrade spirit orbs (more about that later)

Part 6: Basic Enchanting

  • -With obsidian, diamonds, and a book you can craft an enchanting table and start delving into upgrading your gear with powerful enchantments. Enchantments are the primary way to get stronger in this modpack. You can only have up to 10 enchantments on an item. The enchanting table is divided into 3 stats: Eterna (green bar), Quanta (red bar), and Arcana (purple bar).

  • +Eterna is the standard vanilla enchanting system. Placing bookshelves around the table gives you better but more expensive enchantments.

  • +If you are feeling extra lucky consider getting some Quanta by placing mob heads around the enchanting table where the bookshelves would usually go. This stat randomly gives you better or worse enchantments based on its level. By default it is 15.

  • +Arcana increases the chance of getting rarer and enchantments. Add jack-o-lanterns around the enchanting table to increase this.

  • +Rectification makes quanta favor its positive bonuses more. Amethyst Blocks can add rectification.

  • +Later on you will be able to craft better bookshelves to improve your enchantments beyond that of vanilla.

  • +Hold Alt on an enchanted item or book to see what each enchantment does, what they are incompatible with, and their rarity.

  • -There are also 3 books that can instead remove enchantments from your gear and convert them into enchanted books.

  • These are the Tome of Scrapping, the Disenchantment Book, and the Tome of Hungering Knowledge.

  • +The Tome of Scrapping is crafted with an anvil and 8 books, giving you 8 Tomes. Apply this to an enchanted item to remove one of the enchantments and convert it to an enchanted book, destroying the enchanted item in the process. This is the cheapest method, useful for getting enchantments from dungeon loot where you don't mind the item getting destroyed.

  • +The Disenchantment book requires getting into the Corail Tombstone mod. You may have noticed some mobs dropping Grave Dust. This is used to craft this book, along with a Decorative Grave. A Decorative Grave is more than just for decoration despite the name. Unlike the graves that appear when you die, a Decorative Grave has a low chance to spawn a purple orb around it which can be used along with the disenchantment book to remove enchantments from an item, retaining the original item unlike the tome of scrapping.

  • +The Tome of Hungering Knowledge is the most powerful of the 3 books but also the most expensive, requiring prismarine shards and blaze powder. When crafted with an enchanted item, it will remove all the enchantments off the item turning into an enchanted book and keep the original item.

  • +If you can you may want to craft an Altar of the Sea. This block will let you turn 4 less useful enchanted books into one more useful one at the cost of some of your xp.

  • +Enchantments with the boomerang icon (like Razor's Edge) can be applied to throwables (boomerang, javelin, throwing knife, tomahawk) from spartan weaponry. Some enchantments from other mods like Ifrit's Blessing, Snare, and Loyalty can also be applied to throwables making them surprisingly strong despite their limited enchantment choices.

  • -Some good earlygame modded enchantments to look out for:

  • +Reinforced: Budget version of mending. Repairs gear over time.

  • +Ecological: Like Reinforced but only repairs when standing near leaves or logs.

  • +Lightweight: Negates the dodge penalty when wearing heavy armor.

  • +Ifrit's Blessing: Pairs well with fire aspect for some extra damage. Very versatile as it works on spartan throwables as well.

  • +Sage's Blessing: Earn extra experience at the cost of some hunger.

  • +Focus Impact: Extra damage the slower your weapon is. Great on hammers and axes.

  • +Leeching: Heals you when you defeat a mob.

  • +Freezing: Slows down enemies. Incompatible with Fire Aspect but works just fine on weapons with innate fire abilities.

  • +Snare: Like freezing but for throwing weapons like the ones from spartan weaponry. Good for stopping foes in their tracks before they can get to you.

  • +Tombstone Soulbound: As mentioned earlier, the item will stay in your inventory when you die. Very good on backpacks, armor and other important items.

  • +Mobile: Lets you move faster while blocking with a shield or charging a bow.

  • +Mana Boost and Mana Regen: Lets you use the spell book more often.

  • -Modded treasure enchantments to look for. These are much rarer and can be usually found on equipment in dungeons.

  • +Safeguard: While incompatible with protection, it allows you to completely block a single hit, which can save your life from a champion or a lethal fall. Safeguard gains 1 block per level and recharges over time.

  • +Ameliorated enchantments are better versions of their regular counterparts and are compatible with more enchantments.

  • +Ender's Marksmen: Shoot a mob with your bow or crossbow, get the arrow back and repairs the bow! Unlike infinity it works with all types of arrows. Allows arrow duplication if you can hit multiple targets at once with other enchantments.

  • +Ender Mending: Like mending but only for tools. Excess experience is stored in the tool/weapon which keeps it repaired.

  • +Life Mending: A curse that converts your natural healing into durability. Good if you have other sources of healing and are in need of xp.

  • +War's Odium: A curse that has the chance to respawn the mob you defeated. Even works on dimensional bosses, giving you extra loot.

  • +Warrior's Grace: Repairs the weapon when defeating a mob.

  • +Magical Blade: Converts some of your damage to magic damage to pierce armor.

  • +Life Leech: Heals you based on damage dealt.

  • +Swift Blade: Increases damage with fast weapons like a dagger or studded cestus.

  • +Endest Reap: Slaying bosses and having a high xp level very slowly boosts the damage of your weapon which can scale infinitely.

  • +Exploding Shot: Great area of effect damage for bows and crossbows.

  • +Gunner: Lets bows charge up faster.

  • -Some modded enchantments to watch out for. While they are still useful they can fool a player unfamiliar with how they work:

  • +Pestilence's Odium: Equipment with this item hurt animals over time. Avoid being near animal farms with this on, or you may find your livestock slowly wither away...

  • +Ares Grace: The description makes it tempting at first but what the description doesn't say is that it costs a lot of your weapon's durability. Can be useful on a secondary cheap weapon for the extra armor piercing

  • +Ifrit's Judgement: Curse that sets you on fire for hitting a mob more than 4 times. If you defeat a mob in less than 4 hits Sneak-clicking a chest inserts fire-related items into it like fireworks, magma cream and obsidian.

  • -Noteworthy changes to vanilla enchantments:

  • +Sharpness deals more damage in this modpack, Smite debuffs the undead like how bane of arthropods slows down the arthropods, and Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods are compatible with each other. All 3 are incompatible with most modded damage enchantments however.

  • +Unbreaking is capped to level 1 but is still more powerful than unbreaking 3 in vanilla, especially on armor.

  • +Protection enchantments can go on anything. The enchantments help protect the item when it is thrown on the ground. This also means you can apply them to things like horse armor or non-armor wearables like a mob head.

  • +Some enchantments work on unexpected items, like Infinity on a water bucket!

  • +Loyalty works on spartan weaponry throwing weapons like the javelins, which helps negate their main drawback of having to pick them up after throwing.

Part 7: Getting better food and equipment

  • -Time to get some better food. Breeding animals for meat is one good options. If you can find a biome containing mushrooms or sweet berries you can make the Saturation Suspicious stew or the Sweet Berry Pie. A red mushroom, brown mushroom, dandelion or blue orchid, and a bowl makes a Suspicious Stew with the Saturation effect. Both of these provide a massive amount of saturation keeping your health topped off. Now that you have redstone, you can craft a Nature's Compass to find a specific biome easier.

  • -Crafting a cooking pot will allow you to make more advanced dishes which can provide buffs like the Comfort effect for extra health regeneration, or drinks like the hot cocoa to cure debuffs without removing helpful effects.

  • -As you delve deeper, you may find purple lakes surrounded by netherrack. These are how you get into the nether as regular portals do not work. Avoid entering these pools for now as you will have no way out. Just gather some of the netherrack it will come in handy for summoning the second boss, Dame Fortuna.

  • +Dame Fortuna can be spawned by crafting the Devil's Ante, 4 netherrack, 4 gold and 1 diamond. This boss is much tougher than Swampjaw, so it is recommended to at least wear the caged heart for extra defense.

  • +Dame fortuna drops the fortune's favor which can make the slicer's dice, ace of iron, and cocktail cutlass.

  • +Make the slicer's dice first, as it gives you the chance to deal double damage to enemies.

  • +Ace of iron gives the chance to not take damage, but its not as reliable as the caged heart's protection.

  • +Cocktail Cutlass has the same stats as a diamond sword, with lower combat requirements and granting random potion effects when attacking.

  • -Breaking monster spawners give you a huge amount of xp in combat, endurance and gathering as well as a spirit orb. Spirit orbs can be used to craft gateways, which can give a lot of loot and xp. Monster spawners deactivate after a certain number of spawns so making a standard mob farm is not reliable in the pack. The more monster spawners you break, the better quest rewards you will receive.

  • -Since gateways generally only spawn one specific mob type an easy way to beat gateways that spawn melee mobs earlygame is to build a 3-block tall pillar surrounded by 4 boats. Remember you can climb up 3 block pillars by spamming space + shift on them. Craft a dagger for its 4x damage bonus on a back attack. Open up the gateway next to the boats (Not on the pillar) and then jump onto the pillar. Let the mobs come to you and get stuck in the boats where they can't turn around giving you an opportunity to land backstabs with the dagger. When all are defeated jump back on the pillar and repeat for all 5 waves. When activating an enderman gateway it is recommended to build a platform in the middle of the ocean so they can't teleport around.

Part 8: The Nether

  • -Now that you have a lot of xp, curios and gear, time to enter the nether! You will want to bring some gold blocks to be able to return back to the overworld and to avoid and barter with piglins. Making A gold helmet is a good option as it provides the same defense as an iron helmet while letting you avoid piglins. When you're ready, jump in one of the purple pools deep underground!

  • -Pray that you don't land in a crimson forest. This biome is one of the most deadly biomes in the nether. Hoglins, Piglins, Plague-spreading Crimson Mosquitoes and Shroomloins all spawn here and will seriously mess you up.

  • -With a nature's compass search for a warped forest to find and slay some endermen to get some reliable ender pearls. The warped beetles in the warped forest are passive and will not attack you.

  • -A nether fortress gives access to blaze rods and wither skulls. Can't find a nether fortress? Look for obsidian pillars sticking out of the lava oceans. Tall ones with an orange glowing block (called blaze lanterns) contain a blaze spawner and some loot from nether fortresses.

  • -Wither skeletons can be found in fortresses, as well as roguelike dungeons in the overworld. Crafting a scythe allows you to significantly boost the chances of their skulls dropping. If you have some netherite you can craft an Axe of Executioner to even further boost the skull drop rate.

  • -With some soul sand you can craft the haunted bell. This summons the Bellringer, who is not as hard as Dame Fortuna but still puts up a good fight. You can craft the spectre's eye which allows you to see enemies through walls, the passage's toll to phase through walls yourself, at the cost of some xp and health, and the Spectre's grasp for some extra reach distance.

  • -Now you can summon the wither. Make sure there is no grass or other blocks under the "armpits" of the T-Shape. The wither has the new ability to summon wither skeletons to its aid and become invincible before charging at the player.

  • -After Defeating the wither, expert mode is activated in the world. Mobs are now tougher but drop more xp and have a chance to double their loot. Stronger tier champions can also now spawn with cyan and purple sparkles.

  • These champions can drop enchanted books with treasure enchantments and better coins.

  • -With the wither defeated you can now get even stronger enchantments thanks to the beacon and Enchantment Library.

  • -The Enchantment Library requires 4 ender chests and 4 enchanted hellshelves.

  • -To Enchant a hellshelf you will need the correct amounts of Eterna, Quanta and Arcana which you can see in the Jei Menu when clicking on the infused hellshelf. Try to enchant it at or near level 45 to avoid wasting xp levels.

  • +The Nether Star as you may already know can be used to craft a beacon. The Beacon has an additional purpose in RAD2 through the use of Apex Enchantments.

  • +After building a 4-layer pyramid place 5 chests around the beacon. You can now upgrade your enchantments past their usual max level and unlock even more powerful enchantments than before.

  • +To upgrade an enchantment place 4 of the same enchanted book (unstacked) in the top chest and right click it with a totem of undying. End Crystals will appear (don't hit them!) and when they fly away you will see your enchanted books have combined into an enchanted book 1 level higher than before. You can also place 16 of the same book

Part 9: The End (Dimension)

  • -With ender pearls and blaze rods time to head to the stronghold. The stronghold has been revamped and is much bigger than usual. The stronghold library also contains plenty of bookshelves to upgrade your enchanted gear more.

  • -Save any extra eyes of ender, they have a use even once you enter the end.

  • -Arriving to the end will also activate expert mode if you haven't defeated the wither yet.

  • -The ender dragon is much tougher and has much more health than usual. It is a good idea to bring a lot of arrows and backup weapons incase your primary one breaks.

  • +You cannot access the outer end islands until the dragon has been defeated. Trying to do so will teleport you back onto the main island.

  • +Attempting to use beds on the ender dragon may cause deadly purple fires to sprout around the fountain. Beware! Also if doing this strategy make sure to land a few regular attacks on the dragon so you can still claim the achievement and unlock the quests.

  • -After slaying the dragon master mode activates in the world. Mobs are even tougher, drop even more xp, and have an even higher chance to drop their loot than expert mode. And the 2 highest tier champions can spawn, which can be identified by their dark blue and red sparkles respectively. These champions will always drop enchanted books with very sought-out enchantments and diamond coins.

  • -The Ender dragon will drop some scales which can be used to make new curios.

  • +Ender Biotite spawns around the main end island when the ender dragon is defeated. It is similar to nether quartz in that it can make unique redstone components like the redstone randomizer or ender watcher.

  • -When you're ready head out to the outer islands by entering the bedrock end gateway. The portal is narrow so you will need to use an ender pearl or a method to make you crawl like a trapdoor.

  • -You may have noticed there are some more new ores scattered around the end. These ores are Thallasium, Ender Ore and End Shard Ore. With some crafting you can turn these into powerful equipment better than netherite.

  • +Thallasium while being a poor material for equipment, only being as strong as copper, is a key component to making the End Stone Smelter.

  • The End Stone Smelter allows you to smelt 2 ores at once and give a third one for free! It also is used to turn Thallasium into a new alloy called Terminite.

  • The End Stone Smelter only accepts Coal Blocks, Lava Buckets or Blaze Rods as fuel.

  • +Ender Ore is the other key component to making Terminite. Craft any smith hammer and combine it with an Ender Shard in an anvil to obtain Ender Dust.

  • +Using the End Stone Smelter Ender Dust can be alloyed into Terminite, which is as strong as diamond. But it can become even stronger.

  • +Combining Emerald Ingots (aka overworldite) with a Terminite Ingot in the End Stone Smelter grants an Aeternium Ingot, which is a very tough material great for armor. The Aeternium Pickaxe also has the highest mining level in the game as seen by its "Mining Level: Max" tooltip.

  • +End Shard Ore is immune to explosions and can only be mined with a netherite pickaxe or better, like the Aeternium Pickaxe. Mining it aggravates all nearby endermen to you so be ready for a fight!

  • +End Shards (not to be confused with the aforementioned Ender Shards) can craft End Ingots. These can upgrade netherite equipment into End Equipment which grants them special abilities.

  • -Time to find an end city. Throwing an eye of ender will guide you towards the nearest one similar to finding a stronghold.

  • -The new end ships will look much different than what you are used to. See the faq section on this wiki to see where the locations of the dragon head and elytra are.

  • -End City loot contains dragon gear, and a new ore called Etherium Ore. This is the strongest equipment you can find in the end.

  • -Etherium Ore is rare as it only comes from structures but the End Stone Smelter can be used to get 50% more ingots.

  • -The Elytra can also be placed in the Back Slot like the backpack.

  • -The Respawn Obelisk can be crafted which allows you to set your spawn point in any dimension you want, the end included.

  • -Crafting the infusion pedestal will allow you to create enchantments and special items more reliably.

  • surround the infusion pedestal with 8 regular pedestals. Place 4 pedestals in the cardinal directions 3 blocks away from the infusion pedestal, then 4 more in diagonal directions 2 blocks away from the infusion pedestal.

  • Pressing U or right click on the pedestal in the jei menu will let you see what you can make with them.

  • To activate the pedestal, place the middle item last.

  • -The main thing you can make with the pedestal is the Ancient Tomes. These let you upgrade an enchantment 1 level above the max, for a lot cheaper than apex enchanting. It also gives you a reliable way to get treasure enchantments like Mending and Infinity without relying on randomness. To make it you will need an enchanted hydralux petal.

  • +Hydralux petals can be found in the end underwater in the sulfur springs biome. They also drop saplings to allow you to grow more.

  • -At this point you have unlocked the potential to do anything you want. Perhaps improve your house with all the new end blocks? Or maybe have a nice well deserved rest in the tropicraft dimension.

Extra Tips

  • -Have some extra tips I couldn't fit in the progression:
  • Base Defense:
  • +Guardians will drop guardian spikes when defeated. These blocks act as spike traps for mobs when powered, but most mobs will try to avoid them. However this can be used to your advantage since they avoid the spikes even when they are deactivated allowing you to create zones where you can pass but enemies cannot.
  • +Obsidian Pressure Plates can only be activated by players.
  • +You can buy warp pads to be able to teleport to two places you frequently go to without spending xp. To connect 2 pads swap the shards placed inside them. Breaking a warp pad resets its connection so don't do that.
  • Mining Dimension:
  • +Crafting the Mining Dimension Teleporter will give you plenty of resources to mine from all dimensions. It is also the only place you can find Deepslate which is located at the bottom of the dimension.
  • Titles:
  • +Change the open titles menu keybind to be able to see your titles. These can be earned by progressing through the game, defeating tough mobs or accomplishing certain feats. The Titles quest chapter shows most of the titles you can earn.*
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