New mechanics - dr3ams/Roguelike-Adventures-and-Dungeons-2 GitHub Wiki
Difficulty related mechanics
Scaling mob difficulty
Mod: Improved Mobs
Increases slowly over time. Affects mob health and damage. All hostile mobs can now spawn with armor with worse armor being more common. Armors from other mods are included too. The armors can be enchanted.
Progressive difficulty
Mod: Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty
The game gets more difficult after reaching certain milestones. Difficulty also scales with Regional Difficulty to keep Minecraft style.
- Normal Mode starts at the beginning of the game.
- Expert Mode starts when the first player enters the Nether. (or enters any dimension from other mods)
- Master Mode starts when you defeat the Ender Dragon.
Mod: Champions
Champions is a mod that adds elite mobs of different rarities, with enhanced stats, extra abilities, and extra loot.
Champion mobs are defined by their ranks. Every time a valid mob is spawned into the world, it's assigned a rank. Most mobs will be common and exhibit no special characteristics. Some mobs will spawn as champions. Players can recognize them by the special colored particles they emit as well as the special health bar that appears on your screen when you look at them. Champions have ranks which are randomly assigned with higher ranks being progressively rarer. With each rank, champions gain stronger stats, more abilities, and more loot to drop.
Champions get the following buffs per tier: 1: +50% Health and Damage 2: +200% Health and Damage 3: +400% Health and Damage 4: +800% Health and Damage 5: +1600% Health and Damage 6: +3200% Health and Damage
Progressive Bosses
Mod: Progressive Bosses
Makes Wither and Ender Dragon harder each time a new one is fought. Also makes the Elder Guardian's fight harder.
Difficult Raids (MC 1.18.2+)
Mod: Difficult Raids
This mod adds 4 new tiers of raid difficulty!
Hero - Harder than vanilla Raids, you will find yourself fighting the same Raiders, but with upgraded gear. On later waves, you may catch a glimpse of some new friends joining the fight!
Legend - The Illagers know you mean business. And so, they will properly introduce you to their new friends. Be prepared to face an onslaught of new, powerful Raiders!
Master - It's you versus them. They're not holding back anymore, and you want the pinnacle challenge. The Illagers attack with the full force of their army. This is the true test!
Grandmaster -The ultimate test of strength. The Illagers are equipped with the most powerful gear possible, and their skills have been tuned to their maximum potential. How long will you survive?
Gameplay related mechanics
New nether portals
Nether portals now come in the form of Dimensional Rifts, which you'll find scattered deep underground. You'll have to find one of these Rifts in order to get to the Nether - but be careful, because it's now a one-way trip!
To get back from the Nether, you'll have to search for a Monolith. These are new, semi-rare structures that can be easily spotted from far away thanks to the beams they shoot into the sky.
The block at the center of each Monolith that shoots this beam is called a Reclaimer, and it's the key to returning to the Overworld. However, the Reclaimer won't do much without a little power. In order to power it, you'll have to place a gold block on each of its four sides - something that shouldn't be too difficult to pull off in the Nether.
Once powered, the Reclaimer has the ability to lift you back into the Overworld. You can bucket the Dimensional Plasma from a Dimensional Rift to bring it closer to your base, and you can mine the Reclaimer from a Monolith and place it right by where your Plasma teleports you to in the Nether.
So, it's pretty close to a two-way portal, the only real difference being you'll have to find a Dimensional Rift and a Monolith first."
Blood Moon event
Mod: Enhanced Celestials
Blood Moons are a lunar event that cranks up the monster spawn cap as well as preventing the player from sleeping! The mechanics of the blood moon are inspired by the spawn rate increase that occurs in Terraria's Blood Moon.
Piglin behavior
Mod: Sapience
Piglins now have a reputation system that works similarly to Villagers. Doing things like fighting alongside them against Wither mobs, giving them gifts and bartering with them increases your reputation. Doing things like hurting or killing Piglin mobs and engaging in unauthorized mining/chest opening around them decreases your reputation.
You can find full and updated info on mod's page.
Harder Branch Mining
mod: Harder Branch Mining
Harder Branch Mining makes branch mining more difficult in various ways and to encourage caving. Ores will spawn more often on the sides of caves than when branch mining.