Common Issues - dr3ams/Roguelike-Adventures-and-Dungeons-2 GitHub Wiki

Crashes On Quadro Gpu

The following mods need to be removed

  • magnesium extras mc (magnesium / rubidium extras)
  • oculus
  • rubidium

Crashes On M1 Mac or Mac in general

The following mods need to be removed

  • magnesium extras mc (magnesium / rubidium extras)
  • oculus
  • rubidium
  • Road runner

Crashes With Optifine Added

Optifine is in compatible with

  • magnesium extras mc (magnesium / rubidium extras)
  • oculus
  • rubidium

These are all performance mods that do exactly what optifine does but having less issues replacing them with optifine is not reccomended.

If you have a quadro gpu you will need to remove them for the modpack to work correctly.

Project MMO has failed to load correctly/ Unable to start jvm

You have another java version installed that is taking priority over java 8 64 bit guide can be found here

Clicking On Shop Crashes

This means the server is running with online-mode=false in the server properties (may be called something else) this means certain mods will not be able to save data correctly to fix this set online-mode=true.

Quest book crashes on server

This is a random ftbquest bug that occurs no full solution has been found other than to load the quest book in singleplayer first then it will work in multiplayer