Land Boards MultiComp Builds - douggilliland/MultiComp GitHub Wiki

These are the builds of MultiComp and other related FPGA Retrocomputers that Land Boards has done. The builds are organized first by CPU type and then by ROMs/Software.

Table of Contents


There are two builds of MultiComp for the 6502 CPU.

One includes the CEGMON Machine code monitor and has a memory mapped display. It was a different project from Multicomp in Grant's original work. It is the build to use if you want to do machine code programming.

The second build is more generic to the OSI computer line. It does not have CEGMON but the display is an ANSI terminal. It was one of Grant's Multicomp builds.

UK101/OSI C1P or SuperBoard II Builds

Builds of the UK-101 or Ohio Scientific C1P (SuperBoard II). The smallest FPGA can replicate the original SuperBoard II with 4KB of SRAM. A full system can be built with more capable FPGAs and external SRAM. Includes CEGMON machine code monitor and BASIC-in-ROM.

EP2 Builds

EP4 Builds

OSI 6502 BASIC Builds

These OSI 6502 do not include the CEGMON monitor that the UK-101 uses. They do run BASIC-in-ROM.

EP2 Builds

EP4 Builds


There are a few Z80 Builds including:

  • CP/M 2.2 build. It supports 128KB of external SRAM.
  • Multi boot build which supports numerous OS and BASIC builds. It is a superset since it includes NASCOM BASIC, CP/M 2.2 and adds MP/M.

Z80 CP/M Builds

EP2 Builds

EP4 Builds

Z80 MPM Builds

  • Based on rhkoolstar's Multiboot Multicomp
    • Has 6 CP/M variants as well as Grant's NASCOM “ROM” Basic. Also included are 10 extra volumes with popular applications.

EP4 Builds


EP4 Builds

Z80 ZX80 Builds

EP4 Builds

  • ZX80 on RETRO-EP4CE15 FPGA Card


There are two builds for the 6809 CPU. One is a BASIC computer. The other runs FORTH and other OS choices.

6809 BASIC Builds

EP2 Builds

EP4 Builds

FORTH Builds

EP4 Builds


Grant did not have an official 6800 CPU build so we targeted the classic MIKBUG ROM.


EP2 Builds

EP4 Builds


  • The 68000 build supports the Teeside 2 design.

TS2 Builds

AMR 68000 with Frame Buffer

EP4 Builds

Cyclone V Builds


The PDP-8 build is based on The book Resoling a New Computer.

  • PDP-8 on EP2C5 FPGA Card


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