Testing tpsclient - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki


This page describes the procedure to use tpsclient to verify communication between TKS and TPS.

The example below assumes PKI 10 utilizing a Tomcat7-based TKS instance stored under /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/tks and an Apache-based TPS instance stored under /var/lib/pki-tps.

Test Procedure

  • Install a CA instance (e. g. /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca)

  • Optionally, install a KRA instance (e. g. /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/kra)

  • Install a TKS instance (e. g. /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/tks)

  • Use tkstool to generate a sharedSecret in this TKS instance

  • Install a TPS instance (e. g. /var/lib/pki-tps)

  • Use tkstool to import the sharedSecret generated above into this TPS instance

  • Obtain the TPS instance ports by running something similar to the following command:

$ pkicontrol status tps pki-tps
  • Shutdown this TPS instance:

$ systemctl stop pki-tpsd@pki-tps
  • Shutdown the CA, optional KRA, and TKS instances:

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
This example assumes that the CA instance and the optional KRA instance are all located inside a common PKI instance which contains the TKS (e.g. /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat). If the deployment being used contains their CA instance and/or optional KRA instances in containers which are separate from the TKS, these too should be shutdown.
  • Shutdown the DS instance:

$ systemctl stop dirsrv.target
  • Edit DS configuration (i.e. /etc/dirsrv/slapd-<instance>/dse.ldif) to turn off syntax checking in the DS instance replacing <instance> with the appropriate value:

nsslapd-syntaxcheck: off
  • Edit TKS configuration (i.e. /var/lib/pki/<instance>/conf/tks/CS.cfg) adding values similar to the following replacing <hostname>, and <TPS secure clientauth port> with the appropriate values:

tps.0.port=<TPS secure clientauth port>
tps.0.userid=TPS-<hostname>-<TPS secure clientauth port>
  • Restart the DS instance:

$ systemctl start dirsrv.target
  • Restart the CA, optional KRA, and TKS instances:

$ systemctl start [email protected]
This example assumes that the CA instance and the optional KRA instance are all located inside a common PKI instance which contains the TKS (e.g. /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat). If the deployment being used contains their CA instance and/or optional KRA instances in containers which are separate from the TKS, these too should be restarted.
  • Restart the TPS instance:

$ systemctl start pki-tpsd@pki-tps
  • Create an LDIF file (e.g. sample.ldif) similar to the following replacing <uid>, <domain>, and <password> with the appropriate values:

dn: uid=<uid>,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleobject
cn: <uid>
sn: <uid>
uid: <uid>
givenName: <uid>
mail: <uid>@<domain>
firstname: <uid>
edipi: 123456789
pcc: AA
exec-edipi: 999999999
exec-pcc: BB
exec-mail: <uid>@<domain>
userPassword: <password>
  • Execute an ldapadd command similar to the following to add this entry (e.g. located in sample.ldif) to the DS instance replacing <password> with the appropriate value:

$ ldapadd -H ldap://localhost -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> -f sample.ldif
  • Create a sample test tpsclient format file (e.g. format.tst) similar to the following replacing <hostname>, <TPS unsecure port>, <uid>, and <password> with the appropriate values:

op=var_set name=ra_host value=<hostname>
op=var_set name=ra_port value=<TPS unsecure port>
op=var_set name=ra_uri value=/nk_service
op=token_set cuid=40906145C76224192D2B msn=01020304 app_ver=6FBBC105 key_info=0101 major_ver=0 minor_ver=0
op=token_set auth_key=404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
op=token_set mac_key=404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
op=token_set kek_key=404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
op=ra_format uid=<uid> pwd=<password> new_pin=<password> num_threads=1
  • Create a sample test tpsclient enrollment file (e.g. enroll.tst) similar to the following replacing <hostname>, <TPS unsecure port>, <uid>, and <password> with the appropriate values:

op=var_set name=ra_host value=<hostname>
op=var_set name=ra_port value=<TPS unsecure port>
op=var_set name=ra_uri value=/nk_service
#op=var_set name=test_enable value=true
#op=var_set name=test_apdu_ea_return_enable value=true
#op=var_set name=test_apdu_ea_return value=9100
op=token_set cuid=4090002901010000C05F  msn=01020304 app_ver=6FBBC105 key_info=0101 major_ver=0 minor_ver=0
op=token_set auth_key=404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
op=token_set mac_key=404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
op=token_set kek_key=404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
op=ra_enroll uid=<uid> pwd=<password> new_pin=<password> num_threads=1
  • Run a tpsclient format test using the sample format file (e.g. format.tst):

$ tpsclient < format.tst

which should finish successfully with something similar to this:

Output> Thread (0) status='1' time='1702 msec'
Result> Success - Operation 'ra_format' Success (1703 msec)
  • Run a tpsclient enrollment test using the sample enrollment file (e.g. enroll.tst):

$ tpsclient < enroll.tst

which should finish successfully with something similar to this:

Output> Thread (0) status='1' time='6042 msec'
Result> Success - Operation 'ra_enroll' Success (6043 msec)
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