Signed Audit Event Filters - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki


Since version 10.5 PKI provides a mechanism to define filters for audit events that will be logged in the audit log file.

Each audit event contains a set of attributes (see Signed Audit Events). For example:

  • SubjectID

  • Outcome

  • ReqID

An audit event filter is an assertion of the audit event attributes. One filter can be defined for each event type. Events that match the filter will be logged, and events that do not match will be discarded.

The filter is defined in LDAP filter format. Supported filters are:

Type Format Example








(<attribute>=<initial> * <any> * …​ * <any> * <final>)

(SubjectID=* admin *)

AND operation

(&<filter 1><filter 2>…​<filter N>)


OR operation

(|<filter 1><filter 2>…​<filter N>)


NOT operation




The audit event filter can be configured for each event in /var/lib/pki/<instance>/conf/<subsystem>/CS.cfg as follows:


Restart the server to apply the filters.


For example, normally the server will generate the following logs:

[CertSerialNum=7] certificate request succeeded
[InfoName=rejectReason][InfoValue=<null>] certificate request processed
[InfoName=cancelReason][InfoValue=<null>] certificate request processed

Suppose the following filter is added:


The above filters indicate that only rejected or canceled CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED events will be logged.

With the above filters defined, the server will only generate the following logs:

[InfoName=rejectReason][InfoValue=<null>] certificate request processed
[InfoName=cancelReason][InfoValue=<null>] certificate request processed

Note that the successful CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED is no longer logged.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️