Rotating KRA Transport Key - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki

KRA Transport Key and Certificate Generation

KRA transport key and certificate generation is part KRA Transport Key Rotation process.

Here is the manual process for KRA transport certificate generation and KRA configuration update.

Request KRA Transport Certificate

  • Stop KRA

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Go to KRA’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Create subdirectory

$ mkdir saved

and save all NSS database files

$ cp *.db saved
  • Create new request by running the following command

$ PKCS10Client \
    -d . \
    -p <password> \
    -o req.txt \
    -n "CN=DRM Transport 2 Certificate, Security Domain"


$ certutil -R \
    -d . \
    -f <password-file> \
    -k rsa \
    -g 2048 \
    -s "CN=DRM Transport 2 Certificate, Security Domain" \
    -o <transport-certificate-request-file> \
  • Start KRA

$ systemctl start [email protected]
  • Submit transport certificate request on Manual Data Recovery Manager Transport Certificate Enrollment page

Submit transport certificate request
Submit transport certificate request
Submit transport certificate request
Submit transport certificate request
Submit transport certificate request
  • Wait for agent approval of submitted request to retrieve certificate by checking request status on EE retrieval page

KRA Transport Certificate Approval

Approval of transport certificate request
Approval of transport certificate request
Approval of transport certificate request
Approval of transport certificate request
Approval of transport certificate request

Retrieve KRA Transport Certificate

  • Go to KRA’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Wait for agent approval of submitted request to retrieve certificate by checking request status on EE retrieval page

Retrieve KRA Transport Certificate
Retrieve KRA Transport Certificate
Retrieve KRA Transport Certificate
Retrieve KRA Transport Certificate
  • Once new KRA transport certificate certificate is available then paste its base64-encoded value into a text file cert-<serial-number>.txt. Do not include header -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or footer -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

Import KRA Transport Certificate

  • Go to KRA’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Stop KRA

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Import transport certificate into KRA’s NSS database by:

$ certutil -A \
    -d . \
    -n "transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA" \
    -t "u,u,u" \
    -i cert-<serial-number>.txt \

Update KRA Transport Certificate Configuration

  • Go to KRA’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Stop KRA

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Verify if new KRA transport certificate is imported by running

$ certutil -L -d .

followed by

$ certutil -L -d . -n "transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA"
  • Edit /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/kra/conf/CS.cfg to add the following line:

kra.transportUnit.newNickName=transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA
  • Start KRA

$ systemctl start [email protected]

Propagate New Transport Key and Certificate to KRA Clones

Here is how to transfer new transport key and certificate to KRA clone:

  • Go to KRA’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Stop KRA

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Verify if new KRA transport certificate is present by running

$ certutil -L -d .

followed by

$ certutil -L -d . -n "transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA"
  • Export KRA’s new transport key and certificate by

$ pk12util -o transport.p12 -d . -n "transportCert-021 cert-pki-tomcat KRA"
  • Verify exported KRA’s transport key and certificate by

$ pk12util -l transport.p12
  • Transport transport.p12 file including transport key and certificate to KRA’s clone location.

  • Go to clone’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Stop KRA clone

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Check content of clone’s KRA database by running

$ certutil -L -d .
  • Import clone’s new transport key and certificate by

$ pk12util -i transport.p12 -d .
  • Edit clone’s configuration file /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/kra/conf/CS.cfg to add the following line:

kra.transportUnit.newNickName=transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA
  • Start KRA clone

$ systemctl start [email protected]

Update KRA configuration to use only new transport key and certificate

  • Go to KRA’s NSS database directory

$ cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias
  • Stop KRA

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Verify if new KRA transport certificate is imported by running

$ certutil -L -d .

followed by

$ certutil -L -d . -n "transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA"
  • Edit /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/kra/conf/CS.cfg by replacing nickName included in line

kra.transportUnit.nickName=transportCert cert-pki-tomcat KRA

with newNickName included in line

kra.transportUnit.newNickName=transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA

to obtain

kra.transportUnit.nickName=transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA
  • Edit /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/kra/conf/CS.cfg by removing newNickName line

kra.transportUnit.newNickName=transportCert-<serial-number> cert-pki-tomcat KRA
  • Save updated /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/kra/conf/CS.cfg

  • Start KRA

$ systemctl start [email protected]

CAs with New KRA Transport Certificates

Update CA Configuration with new KRA Transport Certificate

Here is how to update CA configuration with new KRA transport certificate:

  • Stop CA

$ systemctl stop [email protected]
  • Get the KRA transport certificate file cert-<serial-number>.txt obtained in Ticket #734 comment #2

  • Convert base64-encoded certificate included in cert-<serial-number>.txt to single line file by

$ tr -d '\n' < cert-<serial-number>.txt > cert-one-line-<serial-number>.txt
  • Edit /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg by replacing certificate included in line


with certificate included in cert-one-line-<serial-number>.txt

  • Save updated /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg

  • Start CA

$ systemctl start [email protected]
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️