PKI Server Subsystem User Certificate CLI - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki
The pki-server <subsystem>-user-cert
provides a way to manage user certificates in subsystem database when PKI server is offline.
The certificates can be used for client certificate authentication.
These commands can only be executed by the system administrator.
To list subsystem user certificates, specify the user ID:
$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-cert-find testuser Cert ID: 2;40906138576323294556013286889651288237;CN=CA Signing Certificate,O=EXAMPLE;CN=Test User,[email protected],O=EXAMPLE Version: 2 Serial Number: 0x1ec63c581a462361700bf8ceedc5b8ad Issuer: CN=CA Signing Certificate,O=EXAMPLE Subject: CN=Test User,[email protected],O=EXAMPLE
Availability: Since PKI 11.4
To add a subsystem user certificate, specify the user ID and the certificate file:
$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-cert-add testuser --cert testuser.crt
Alternatively, the certificate can be provided via standard input:
$ cat testuser.crt | pki-server <subsystem>-user-cert-add testuser
To remove a subsystem user certificate, specify the user ID and the certificate ID:
$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-cert-del \ testuser \ "2;40906138576323294556013286889651288237;CN=CA Signing Certificate,O=EXAMPLE;CN=Test User,[email protected],O=EXAMPLE"
Availability: Since PKI 11.5