PKI Server Banner CLI - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki


PKI server provides a tool to manage Access Banner.

By default PKI server does not have any banner installed. To install a banner, create /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/banner.txt and store the banner message in this file, for example:

Access to this service is restricted to those individuals with
specific permissions. Any attempts to gain access, authorized
or not, and all operations that follow, are audited and could
be used against you in the court of law.

The banner message must be UTF-8 encoded.

To uninstall the banner, simply remove /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/banner.txt.

Displaying Banner

By default the PKI server does not have any banner installed:

$ pki-server banner-show
ERROR: Banner is not installed

If a banner is installed, it can be displayed with this command:

$ pki-server banner-show
Access to this service is restricted to those individuals with
specific permissions. Any attempts to gain access, authorized
or not, and all operations that follow, are audited and could
be used against you in the court of law.

If the banner contains invalid characters or empty, it will be displayed as is:

$ pki-server banner-show

Installing Banner (Not Implemented)

To install banner file:

$ pki-server banner-install --file <path>

Uninstalling Banner (Not Implemented)

To uninstall banner:

$ pki-server banner-uninstall

Validating Banner

To validate banner that has been installed on the server:

$ pki-server banner-validate
Banner is valid

If the installed banner is invalid:

$ pki-server banner-validate
ERROR: Banner contains invalid character(s)

If the server does not have any banner installed:

$ pki-server banner-validate
Banner is not installed

To validate banner file that has not been installed:

$ pki-server banner-validate --file <path>
Banner is valid

See Also

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