PKI CLI Troubleshooting - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki

Running in Verbose Mode

In verbose mode the pki CLI will provide more information to troubleshoot issues.

To run pki CLI in verbose, specify -v as CLI options (i.e. before the command), not as command options (i.e. after the command):

$ pki <CLI options> <command> <command options>

Running in Debug Mode

In debug mode the pki CLI will provide the most detailed information to troubleshoot issues.

To run pki CLI in verbose, specify --debug as CLI options (i.e. before the command), not as command options (i.e. after the command):

$ pki <CLI options> <command> <command options>

Recording HTTP Messages

The PKI CLI communicates to PKI server via HTTP. The HTTP messages can be recorded for troubleshooting.

To record the HTTP messages, specify the --output and --message-format options as follows:

$ mkdir <dir>
$ pki --output <dir> --message-format <format> <command>

The format is either xml (default) or json. The requests and responses will be stored in http-request-<n> and http-response-<n> files in the output directory.

See Also

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