OCSP_SIGNING_INFO Audit Event - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki


The OCSP_SIGNING_INFO audit event is generated when CA or OCSP subsystem is started to indicate which key is used to sign OCSP responses.


For host CA in CA subsystem, the event will look like the following:

:4A:94:D7:A8:AD:65:E2:2B:F1:C5:49:EF:7B:2B:D5:62:93] OCSP signing info

For lightweight sub-CA in CA subsystem, the event will include the authority ID:

a68-b752-2679b2a40962] OCSP signing info

For OCSP subsystem, the event will look like the following:

:4A:94:D7:A8:AD:65:E2:2B:F1:C5:49:EF:7B:2B:D5:62:93] OCSP signing info
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