Installing KRA Interactively - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki


This page describes the process to install a KRA subsystem.

Installation Procedure

To start the installation execute the following command:

$ pkispawn


    Interactive installation currently only exists for very basic deployments!

    For example, deployments intent upon using advanced features such as:

        * Cloning,
        * Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC),
        * External CA,
        * Hardware Security Module (HSM),
        * Subordinate CA,
        * etc.,

    must provide the necessary override parameters in a separate
    configuration file.

    Run 'man pkispawn' for details.


  Instance [pki-tomcat]:

  Username [kraadmin]:
  Password: Secret.123
  Verify password: Secret.123
  Import certificate (Yes/No) [Y]?
  Import certificate from [/root/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca_admin.cert]:

Directory Server:
  Hostname []:
  Use a secure LDAPS connection (Yes/No/Quit) [N]?
  LDAP Port [389]:
  Bind DN [cn=Directory Manager]:
  Password: Secret.123
  Base DN [o=pki-tomcat-KRA]:

Security Domain:
  Hostname []:
  Secure HTTP port [8443]:
  Name: Security Domain
  Username [caadmin]:
  Password: Secret.123

Begin installation (Yes/No/Quit)? Y

Installation log: /var/log/pki/pki-kra-spawn.20211004145029.log
Installing KRA into /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat.

                                INSTALLATION SUMMARY

      Administrator's username:             kraadmin

      To check the status of the subsystem:
            systemctl status [email protected]

      To restart the subsystem:
            systemctl restart [email protected]

      The URL for the subsystem is:

      PKI instances will be enabled upon system boot

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️