Installing CA Interactively - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki
This page describes the process to install a CA subsystem with a self-signed CA signing certificate.
Before beginning with the installation, please ensure that you have configured the directory server and added base entries. The step is described here.
Additionally, make sure the FQDN has been configured correctly.
To start the installation execute the following command:
$ pkispawn IMPORTANT: Interactive installation currently only exists for very basic deployments! For example, deployments intent upon using advanced features such as: * Cloning, * Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), * External CA, * Hardware Security Module (HSM), * Subordinate CA, * etc., must provide the necessary override parameters in a separate configuration file. Run 'man pkispawn' for details. Subsystem (CA/KRA/OCSP/TKS/TPS) [CA]: Tomcat: Instance [pki-tomcat]: HTTP port [8080]: Secure HTTP port [8443]: AJP port [8009]: Management port [8005]: Administrator: Username [caadmin]: Password: Secret.123 Verify password: Secret.123 Import certificate (Yes/No) [N]? Export certificate to [/root/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca_admin.cert]: Directory Server: Hostname []: Use a secure LDAPS connection (Yes/No/Quit) [N]? LDAP Port [389]: Bind DN [cn=Directory Manager]: Password: Secret.123 Base DN [o=pki-tomcat-CA]: Security Domain: Name [ Security Domain]: Begin installation (Yes/No/Quit)? Y Installation log: /var/log/pki/pki-ca-spawn.20211004143017.log Installing CA into /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat. ========================================================================== INSTALLATION SUMMARY ========================================================================== Administrator's username: caadmin Administrator's PKCS #12 file: /root/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca_admin_cert.p12 To check the status of the subsystem: systemctl status [email protected] To restart the subsystem: systemctl restart [email protected] The URL for the subsystem is: PKI instances will be enabled upon system boot ==========================================================================