CMC Examples User Signed EC CMC Request - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki

User-Signed EC CMC Request

This example shows generation of an EC cert request that is signed with an a previously issued user EC cert. In this example, we are using the EC cert issued in the above example to sign the next request.

  • Prepare the user signing cert:

    • Copy and paste the previously enrolled EC user cert into a file in PEM format and add to the working NSS database, e.g.:

$ certutil -d . -A -t "u,u,u" -n "cfuEC cert1" -a -i cfu-ec-cert.b64
  • Make sure the EC user signing cert has its key in the NSS database (must show u,u,u):

$ certutil -d . -L

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

cfuEC cert1                                                  u,u,u
  • Generate an EC pkcs10 request, e.g.:

$ PKCS10Client -d . -p netscape -a ec -c nistp256 -o p10-ec2.req -n "CN=cfuEC2"
PKCS10Client: Debug: got token.
PKCS10Client: Debug: thread token set.
PKCS10Client: token Internal Key Storage Token logged in...
PKCS10Client: key pair generated.
PKCS10Client: CertificationRequest created.
PKCS10Client: b64encode completes.
Keypair private key id: 5db268462ffb0c0c5735a157b5c95d2a760d8c41

PKCS10Client: done. Request written to file: p10-ec2.req
  • Create a CMCRequest cfg file, e.g. cmc-p10-user-signed-ec2.cfg

    • make sure nickname contains the EC user cert that was issued previously

    • make sure the input is the CSR we just generated from the PKCS10Client command above

  • run CMCRequest to generate a user-signed CMC request:

$ CMCRequest cmc-p10-user-signed-ec2.cfg

cert/key prefix =
path = /root/cfu/test/cmc/
CryptoManger initialized
token internal logged in...
got signerCert: cfuEC cert1
createPKIData: begins
createPKIData:  format: pkcs10
PKCS10: PKCS10: begins
PKCS10: PKCS10: ends
selfSign is false...
signData: begins:
getPrivateKey: got signing cert
signData:  got signer privKey
createSignedData: begins
getSigningAlgFromPrivate: begins.
getSigningAlgFromPrivate: found signingKeyType=EC
getSigningAlgFromPrivate: using SignatureAlgorithm: ECSignatureWithSHA256Digest
createSignedData: digest created for pkidata
createSignedData: digest algorithm =EC
createSignedData: building cert chain
signData: signed request generated.
getCMCBlob: begins
getCMCBlob: generating signed data

The CMC enrollment request in base-64 encoded format:

The CMC enrollment request in binary format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.p10-ec2.req
  • Create the HttpClient cfg file (e.g. HttpClient.p10-ec2.cfg)

    • Make sure nickname contains the same EC user signing cert that was used to sign the CMC request from CMCRequest above

  • Run HttpClient to submit the CMC request

$ HttpClient HttpClient.p10-ec2.cfg

Total number of bytes read = 2290
after SSLSocket created, thread token is Internal Key Storage Token
client cert is not null
handshake happened
writing to socket
Total number of bytes read = 2291

The response in binary format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.p10-ec2.resp
  • run CMCResponse to check the result:

$ CMCResponse -d . -i /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.p10-ec2.resp
            Version:  v3
            Serial Number: 0x166
            Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
            Issuer: CN=CA Signing Certificate,OU=pki-tomcat, Security Domain
                Not Before: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 3:16:27 PM PDT America/Los_Angeles
                Not  After: Monday, April 23, 2018 3:16:27 PM PDT America/Los_Angeles
            Subject: CN=cfuEC
            Subject Public Key Info:
                Algorithm: EC - 1.2.840.10045.2.1
Number of controls is 1
Control #0: CMCStatusInfoV2
   OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 25}
   BodyList: 1
   Status: SUCCESS
  • Note the SUCCESS status in the CMCResponse; In addition, you can

    • Check relevant audit messages, e.g.:

0.http-bio-8443-exec-8 - [25/Oct/2017:15:16:27 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CMC_USER_SIGNED_REQUEST_SIG_VERIFY_SUCCESS][SubjectID=CN=cfuEC][Outcome=Success][ReqType=enrollment][CertSubject=CN=cfuEC2][SignerInfo=CN=cfuEC] User signed CMC request signature verification success
0.http-bio-8443-exec-8 - [25/Oct/2017:15:16:27 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=PROOF_OF_POSSESSION][SubjectID=CN=cfuEC][Outcome=Success][Info=method=EnrollProfile: fillTaggedRequest: ] proof of possession
0.http-bio-8443-exec-8 - [25/Oct/2017:15:16:27 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=PROFILE_CERT_REQUEST][SubjectID=CN=cfuEC][Outcome=Success][ReqID=564][ProfileID=caFullCMCUserSignedCert][CertSubject=CN=cfuEC] certificate request made with certificate profiles
0.http-bio-8443-exec-8 - [25/Oct/2017:15:16:27 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED][SubjectID=CN=cfuEC][Outcome=Success][ReqID=564][CertSerialNum=358] certificate request processed
0.http-bio-8443-exec-8 - [25/Oct/2017:15:16:27 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=ACCESS_SESSION_TERMINATED][ClientIP=x1.x2.x3.x4][ServerIP=u1.y2.y3.y4][SubjectID=CN=cfuEC][Outcome=Success][Info=CLOSE_NOTIFY] access session terminated
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