CMC Examples User Signed CMC Request without POP - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki
This example demonstrates a user-signed CMC request where the CRMF request contains no POP, which would subsequently trigger an EncryptedPOP response from the CA and how to prepare the client to respond with DecryptedPOP to complete the certificate issuance. This method will require round trip.
Note that a request that contains no POP is a general indication that it’s not a signing key, so it could not be self-signed.
Generate a certificate request with no POP
Note that to see Encrypted POP and Decrypted POP in action, the initial CRMF request has to contain no signing pop, hence the
directive in theCRMFPopClient
command -
Note: the following
example assumes thatkra.transport
contains the KRA’s transport certificate in PEM format to achieve key archival.
$ CRMFPopClient -d . -p netscape -n "cn=Lady Christina Fu, uid=cfu" -q POP_NONE -b kra.transport -v -o crmf2.req Initializing security database: . Loading transport certificate Parsing subject DN RDN: UID=cfu RDN: CN=Lady Christina Fu Generating key pair Keypair private key id: -25aa0a8aad395ebac7e6a19c364f0dcb5350cfef Creating certificate request Creating CRMF request Storing CRMF requrest into crmf2.req
Edit the
cfg file to make sure that-
contains the user signing cert instead of admin cert -
make sure
make sure
make sure
contains the matching private key ID from the CSR generation above -
see CMC config file: cmc-crmf-EncryptedPOP.cfg
Generate CMC Request
$ CMCRequest cmc-crmf-EncryptedPOP.cfg cert/key prefix = path = /root/cfu/test/cmc/ CryptoManger initialized token internal logged in... got signerCert: signer cfu cert createPKIData: begins k=0 createPKIData: format: crmf identification control: identification =testuser Successfully create identification control. bpid = 1 selfSign is false... signData: begins: getPrivateKey: got signing cert signData: got signer privKey createSignedData: begins getSigningAlgFromPrivate: begins. getSigningAlgFromPrivate: found signingKeyType=RSA getSigningAlgFromPrivate: using SignatureAlgorithm: RSASignatureWithSHA256Digest createSignedData: digest created for pkidata createSignedData: digest algorithm =RSASignatureWithSHA256Digest createSignedData: building cert chain signData: signed request generated. getCMCBlob: begins getCMCBlob: generating signed data The CMC enrollment request in base-64 encoded format: MIIR9gYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIR5zCCEeMCAQMxDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCCCCEG <snip> The CMC enrollment request in data format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc2.req.
Submit the CMC request
cfg: HttpClient-cmc-crmf-EncryptedPOP.cfg
$ HttpClient HttpClient2.cfg Total number of bytes read = 2529 after SSLSocket created, thread token is Internal Key Storage Token handshake happened writing to socket Total number of bytes read = 4124 MIIQGAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIQCTCCEAUCAQMxDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCCCg0G <snip> The response in data format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmcResp2-round1
Check the result: (note that the response is a PKCS#7 cert chain in the success case)
At the end of the
call below, observe that-
NO CERT was being issued
The return controls contains “encrypted POP”
The return status is
required -
The request id is displayed under CMC
Check relevant audit messages in audit log (e.g.) Observe that the
event is logged andCMCResposne
below shows pending state
0.http-bio-8443-exec-1 - [15/Jun/2017:15:43:45 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=ACCESS_SESSION_ESTABLISH_SUCCESS][ClientIP=y.y.y.y][ServerIP=x.x.x.x][SubjectID=CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed][Outcome=Success] access session establish success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-1 - [15/Jun/2017:15:43:45 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CMC_USER_SIGNED_REQUEST_SIG_VERIFY_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqType=enrollment][CertSubject=, CN=Lady Christina Fu][SignerInfo=Signer Christina Fu] User signed CMC request signature verification success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-1 - [15/Jun/2017:15:43:45 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=AUTH_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][AuthMgr=CMCUserSignedAuth] authentication success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-1 - [15/Jun/2017:15:43:45 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=AUTHZ_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][][Op=submit] authorization success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-1 - [15/Jun/2017:15:43:45 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CMC_ID_POP_LINK_WITNESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][Info=EnrollProfile: parseCMC: : ident_s=testuser] Identification Proof of Possession linking witness verification 0.http-bio-8443-exec-1 - [15/Jun/2017:15:43:45 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=PROFILE_CERT_REQUEST][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqID=85][ProfileID=caFullCMCUserSignedCert][CertSubject=CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed] certificate request made with certificate profiles
$ CMCResponse -d . -i /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmcResp2-round1 Certificates: Certificate: Data: Version: v3 Serial Number: 0x1 Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 Issuer: CN=CA Signing Certificate,OU=pki-tomcat,O=unknown00262DFC6A5E Security Domain Validity: Not Before: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 6:06:50 PM PDT America/Los_Angeles Not After: Sunday, May 17, 2037 6:06:50 PM PDT America/Los_Angeles Subject: CN=CA Signing Certificate,OU=pki-tomcat,O=unknown00262DFC6A5E Security Domain <snip> Number of controls is 3 Control #0: CMC encrypted POP OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 9} encryptedPOP decoded Control #1: CMCStatusInfoV2 OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 25} BodyList: 1 OtherInfo type: FAIL failInfo=POP required Control #2: CMC ResponseInfo requestID: 15
prepare "round 2" (DecryptedPOP) CMC cfg file
see example cmc-crmf-DecryptedPOP.cfg
Generate DecryptedPOP CMC request:
$ CMCRequest cmc-crmf-DecryptedPOP.cfg cert/key prefix = path = /root/cfu/test/cmc/ CryptoManger initialized token internal logged in... got signerCert: lady cfu cert got request privKeyId: -25aa0a8aad395ebac7e6a19c364f0dcb5350cfef got private key processEncryptedPopResponse: begins. processEncryptedPopResponse: previous response read. processEncryptedPopResponse: Number of controls is 3 processEncryptedPopResponse: Control #0: CMC encrypted POP processEncryptedPopResponse: OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 9} processEncryptedPopResponse: encryptedPOP decoded successfully processEncryptedPopResponse: Control #1: CMCStatusInfoV2 processEncryptedPopResponse: OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 25} processEncryptedPopResponse: BodyList: 1 processEncryptedPopResponse: OtherInfo type: FAIL processEncryptedPopResponse: failInfo=POP required processEncryptedPopResponse: what we expected, as decryptedPOP.enable is true; processEncryptedPopResponse: Control #2: CMC ResponseInfo processEncryptedPopResponse: requestID: 15 processEncryptedPopResponse: ends constructDecryptedPopRequest: begins constructDecryptedPopRequest: previous response parsed. constructDecryptedPopRequest: symKey unwrapped. constructDecryptedPopRequest: challenge decrypted. CryptoUtil: getNameFromHashAlgorithm: {2 16 840 1 101 3 4 2 1} constructDecryptedPopRequest: Yay! witness verified constructDecryptedPopRequest: calculating POP Proof Value constructDecryptedPopRequest: constructing DecryptedPOP... constructDecryptedPopRequest: DecryptedPOP constructed successfully constructDecryptedPopRequest: adding decryptedPop control constructDecryptedPopRequest: decryptedPop control added constructDecryptedPopRequest: regInfo control added constructDecryptedPopRequest: completes. selfSign is false... signData: begins: getPrivateKey: got signing cert signData: got signer privKey createSignedData: begins getSigningAlgFromPrivate: begins. getSigningAlgFromPrivate: found signingKeyType=RSA getSigningAlgFromPrivate: using SignatureAlgorithm: RSASignatureWithSHA256Digest createSignedData: digest created for pkidata createSignedData: digest algorithm =RSAignatureWithSHA256Digest createSignedData: building cert chain signData: signed request generated. getCMCBlob: begins getCMCBlob: generating signed data The CMC enrollment request in base-64 encoded format: MIIR2wYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIRzDCCEcgCAQMxDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCCCAYG <snip> The CMC enrollment request in data format is stored in cmc.decreyptedPOP.req.
submit the DecryptedPOP CMC request
make sure
points to the right URI -
see example
cfg file: HttpClient-crmf-DecryptedPOP.cfg
Total number of bytes read = 4472 after SSLSocket created, thread token is Internal Key Storage Token handshake happened writing to socket Total number of bytes read = 2437 MIIJgQYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIJcjCCCW4CAQMxDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADAxBggr <snip> The response in data format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmcResp2-round2
Check the result
Check that the
status -
Check that the new cert was really issued
If key archival is set up, check that key is archived
Observe audit log events, where
even is logged and theCMCResponse
shows success
0.http-bio-8443-exec-2 - [15/Jun/2017:15:51:50 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=ACCESS_SESSION_ESTABLISH_SUCCESS][ClientIP=y.y.y.y][ServerIP=x.x.x.x][SubjectID=CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed][Outcome=Success] access session establish success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-2 - [15/Jun/2017:15:51:50 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CMC_USER_SIGNED_REQUEST_SIG_VERIFY_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqType=enrollment][CertSubject=, CN=Lady Christina Fu][SignerInfo=Signer Christina Fu] User signed CMC request signature verification success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-2 - [15/Jun/2017:15:51:50 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=AUTH_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][AuthMgr=CMCUserSignedAuth] authentication success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-2 - [15/Jun/2017:15:51:50 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=AUTHZ_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][][Op=submit] authorization success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-2 - [15/Jun/2017:15:51:50 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqID=85][CertSerialNum=45] certificate request processed 0.http-bio-8443-exec-2 - [15/Jun/2017:15:51:50 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=ACCESS_SESSION_TERMINATED][ClientIP=y.y.y.y][ServerIP=x.x.x.x][SubjectID=CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed][Outcome=Success][Info=CLOSE_NOTIFY] access session terminated
$ CMCResponse -d . -i /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmcResp2-round2 Certificates: Certificate: Data: Version: v3 Serial Number: 0x2D Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 Issuer: CN=CA Signing Certificate,OU=pki-tomcat,O=unknown00262DFC6A5E Security Domain Validity: Not Before: Thursday, June 15, 2017 3:43:45 PM PDT America/Los_Angeles Not After: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 3:43:45 PM PST America/Los_Angeles Subject: CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed <snip> Number of controls is 1 Control #0: CMCStatusInfo OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 1} BodyList: 1 Status: SUCCESS