CMC Examples User Signed CMC Renewal Request - dogtagpki/pki GitHub Wiki

User-Signed CMC Renewal Request

The following example demonstrates how a CMC same-key renewal is processed. To demonstrate this, we will just resend one of the CMC requests we generate earlier to the URI /ca/ee/ca/profileSubmitUserSignedCMCFull, e.g.:

$ HttpClient HttpClient-cmc-p10-user-signed.cfg

Total number of bytes read = 3373
after SSLSocket created, thread token is Internal Key Storage Token
handshake happened
writing to socket
Total number of bytes read = 1601
The response in data format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.pkcs10Resp
  • Check the result

    • Since the default RenewGracePeriodConstraint is 30 days before and after the expiration, and we only just got the certificate of the same key at previous example, we should expect a failure.

      • One could set the renew grace period to be shorter to see success result

      • One could also try to revoke an earlier cert with same key to see that renewal will be rejected

    • see the audit log failure message at end of relevant audit messages below:

0.http-bio-8443-exec-5 - [24/May/2017:17:43:33 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CMC_USER_SIGNED_REQUEST_SIG_VERIFY_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Lady Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqType=enrollment][CertSubject=CN=just me cfu,UID=cfu][SignerInfo=Lady Christina Fu] User signed CMC request signature verification success
0.http-bio-8443-exec-5 - [24/May/2017:17:43:33 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=PROOF_OF_POSSESSION][SubjectID=Lady Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][Info=method=EnrollProfile: fillTaggedRequest: ] proof of possession
0.http-bio-8443-exec-5 - [24/May/2017:17:43:34 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=PROFILE_CERT_REQUEST][SubjectID=Lady Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqID=44][ProfileID=caFullCMCUserSignedCert][CertSubject=CN=Lady Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed] certificate request made with certificate profiles
0.http-bio-8443-exec-5 - [24/May/2017:17:43:34 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED][SubjectID=Lady Christina Fu][Outcome=Failure][ReqID=44][InfoName=rejectReason][InfoValue=Request Outside of Renewal Grace Period: 30 days before and 30 days after original cert expiration date Rejected - {1}] certificate request processed
$ CMCResponse -d . -i /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.pkcs10Resp
Number of controls is 1
Control #0: CMCStatusInfo
   OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 1}
   BodyList: 1
   OtherInfo type: FAIL

Note: re-key renewal will be treated just like new enrollment; It would not be able to utilize the RenewGracePeriodConstraint.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️