DbTrigger - do-/node-doix-db GitHub Wiki

DbTrigger is an DbObject descendant describing a DbTable's trigger.


Name Type Value Description
table DbTable Set automatically The table this trigger belongs to
name String Normally, generated, but may be set explicitly Logical name of this trigger.
options String '' by default The DDL text to place between CREATE and TRIGGER
phase String MUST be set The DDL text to place before ON
action String '' (not FOR EACH ROW) by default The DDL text to place between ON and the trigger body
sql String MUST be set The trigger prodedure body source code

Sample fragment of a DbTable description file

/* CREATE */
//	options: '',
/* TRIGGER ${qName} */
/* ON ${table.qName} */
	action : 'FOR EACH ROW /* WHEN TRUE */',
	sql    : `
		/* trigger body */