WmAgentScript test against testbed - dmwm/WMCore GitHub Wiki

setting the test environment (make sure it doesn't affect production data)

  1. login to vocms049 as you

  2. clone WmAgentScipts in the new directory

    git clone https://github.com/CMSCompOps/WmAgentScripts.git WmAgentScripts_testbed

  3. patch https://github.com/CMSCompOps/WmAgentScripts/pull/129

    cd WmAgentScripts_testbed
    curl https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/CMSCompOps/WmAgentScripts/pull/129.patch | git am   
  4. change url

    • change all cmsweb.cern.ch to cmsweb-testbed.ch unless url is pointing to DBS or PhEDEx read api.
    • DBS/PhEDEx write api should be changed to cmsweb-testbed.cern.ch
    • DBS/PhEDEx read api remains cmsweb.cern.ch