Useful Linux Commands - dkoes/docs GitHub Wiki
long listing format -
include hidden (. prefix) -
list directories (not their contents) - `--sort=time/size
- current working directory -
- up a level -
- home
copy a directory recursively
copy recursively, needed to copy directories
- delete recursively (used for deleting a directory)
- Ex:
alias qs='qstat -t -n -1'
- Ex:
cat *.txt > all.txt
- Ex:
ls | sort
- Ex:
cmd > output 2> errors
for i in [list]
<cmd> .. $i ...
[list] Examples:
`cat files`
- Example 1: Print first three fields of line
awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' file
- Example 2: Print file without header
awk 'NR > 1 {print $0}' file
- Example 3: Print first field of lines where second field is greater than zero `awk '$2 > 0 {print $1}' file
-n <N>
show first N lines
-n <N>
show last N lines
- numeric sort -
- sort based on columns N-M -
- reverse sort -
- random sort -
- uniquify -
-o <outfile>
- write output to outfile instead of standard out
- prefix lines by number of occurences
- ignore capitalization -
- recursive search -
- skip over binary files -
- suppress error messages -
- show line numbers -
- show N lines after match -
- show N lines before match
- edit files in place - Example 1: Change first HIE to HIS
sed 's/HIE/HIS/' file.pdb > new.pdb
- Example 2: Change ALL HIE to HIS inplace
sed -i 's/HIE/HIS/g' file.pdb
-- hidden file in HOME that initializes BASH (editing this file will make changes "stick")
- Example:
echo $PATH
andecho ${PATH}