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Troubleshooting Tips

If applets like Stairs, Carpeggio or Shredder appear unresponsive, you might need to calibrate your ADC to eliminate an offset on the inputs. This can be done without a fancy multimeter - go to the Setup / About app and just skip all the other Calibration steps. Simply unplug all CV/Trigger inputs and outputs, enter the Calibration routine and ensure that all ADC values are around 0v (-1v < > +1v).

If your encoders don't rotate the way you expect, you can flip the behaviour of one, the other, or both as part of the Setup / About calibration routine.

After selecting "Calibrate" in Select / About (short press of LEFT encoder), press either the UP and DOWN buttons to choose your encoder reversal: L, R, both (LR), or neither (normal) — press the RIGHT encoder to accept.

If you want to use non-default calibration, you will need to scroll through the entire calibration routine to save the encoder reversal setting (rotate LEFT encoder to the last page, press RIGHT encoder to save).