MIDI Input - djphazer/O_C-Phazerville GitHub Wiki


MIDI Mapping Video Demo

Advanced MIDI-to-CV For Hemisphere

Screenshot 2024-06-13 15-11-54

Phazerville greatly expands on the capabilities of the original MIDI In applet. MIDI messages coming in via USB are parsed and handled at a high level; the applet acts as a configuration UI, and also passes signals to the outputs.

If you switch to a different applet, the configured incoming MIDI messages are rerouted to the inputs of the selected applet and are combined with the physical CV or trigger input. This allows things like modulating parameters via MIDI CC or Pitch Bend, quantizing MIDI Notes to a scale, or triggering sequencer applets with MIDI Note-On. You can use AttenOff to scale and offset MIDI CC values. You can transpose TB-3PO patterns via MIDI Note and modulate Density with the Velocity, or Aftertouch, etc.

MIDI Clock, Start, and Stop messages are also handled automatically by the internal Clock Setup applet. Incoming MIDI Clock is divided from 24 PPQN to 2 PPQN internally.

Channel Settings

By default, all channels are set to "None". A pair of the MIDI In applets can be saved as a Preset to quickly recall settings.

Each channel filters and translates incoming MIDI messages as output CV from MIDI In applet, or to a corresponding logical input for other applets.

  • MIDI Channel (independent for all 4 slots)
  • Mode

The available modes are:

  • None - disabled
  • Note# - semitone-quantized pitch CV
  • Trig - standard trigger pulse from NoteOn
    • generates Clock pulses at corresponding trigger input
  • Gate - held high at NoteOn, respecting polyphony; goes low when all Notes are Off
    • holds trigger input high, but does not generate a Clock pulse
  • Veloc - Positive CV from the Velocity of the most recent NoteOn
  • CC# (auto-learn) - Positive CV from assigned CC#
    • when selected, it will display CC#-1 until a MIDI CC message on the selected MIDI Channel is received, at which point it latches onto the CC# of the message. Basically, select CC mode and wiggle a knob to auto-learn!
  • Aft - Positive CV from Aftertouch
  • Bend - Bipolar CV from Pitch Bend
  • Clock - standard trigger pulse from MIDI Clock (divided internally to 2 PPQN)
  • Start - standard trigger pulse from MIDI Start