BootsNCat - djphazer/O_C-Phazerville GitHub Wiki
Boots 'n Cats (BootsNCat) is a simple bass/snare drum synthesizer with stereo audio outputs.
1/3 | 2/4 | |
TRIG | Bass drum trigger | Snare drum trigger |
CV INs | Bass drum attenuation | Snare drum attenuation |
OUTs | Bass drum (or mix) | Snare drum (or mix) |
Note that triggering the envelope in reverse does not change the CV modulation controls, meaning that CV 1 controls the effective "attack" segment regardless of direction.
UI Parameters
- Bass drum tone
- Base drum decay
- Snare drum tone
- Snare drum decay
- Blend
- Each drum has a Tone control that sets the basic sound of the drum. For the bass drum, Tone controls the frequency, with higher values indicating a higher frequency. For the snare drum, the Tone control is more like a low-pass filter, with high values indicating a higher cutoff frequency.
- Each drum has a Decay control that sets the decay of the drum between about 1/10 of a second and 1 second, with higher values indicating longer decay.
- At a Blend level of 0, the bass drum and snare drum are totally isolated on Outputs A/C and B/D, respectively. As the Blend is increased, some of the signal from the opposite channel will be fed into each channel. A Blend level of 63 results in a 50/50 mix on both outputs.
Adapted from BootsNCat © 2018-2022, Jason Justian and Beige Maze Laboratories.