AttenOff - djphazer/O_C-Phazerville GitHub Wiki

Screenshot 2024-06-13 14-19-46

AttenOff is a dual attenuverter with a -200% to +200% range plus an offset voltage. Offsets are selectable in increments of one semitone, approximately 0.08V.


1/3 2/4
TRIG No effect Mix Ch 1 into Ch 2 (Gate)
CV INs Channel 1 Input Channel 2 Input
OUTs Attenuverted Ch 1 input + offset Attenuverted Ch 2 input + offset

UI Parameters

  • Ch 1 Offset voltage
  • Ch 1 Attenuversion
  • Ch 2 Offset voltage
  • Ch 2 Attenuversion
  • Toggle summing Ch 1 into Ch 2


Adapted from AttenOff © 2018-2022, Jason Justian and Beige Maze Laboratories.