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Installing CK-Caffe on Linux
Before installing CK-Caffe on the target system, several libraries and programs should be installed. So far, instructions for the following Linux flavours are available:
In this guide, shell commands prefixed with '$'
should be run as user,
whereas commands prefixed with '#'
should be run as root (or as user with
For example, to install the 'pip'
package manager and then
Jupyter on Ubuntu, run as root:
# apt install python-pip
# pip install jupyter
or as user:
$ sudo apt install python-pip
$ sudo -H pip install jupyter
[Ubuntu] Installing CK-Caffe dependencies
Installing the dependencies is recommended via 'apt install'
(for standard
Ubuntu packages), or 'pip install'
(for standard Python packages, typically
of more recent versions than those available via 'apt install'
). This can be
simply done by opening a Linux shell and copying-and-pasting commands from
cells below.
[Ubuntu] Installing core CK dependencies
Collective Knowledge has only two dependencies: Python (2.x and 3.x) and Git, which can be installed as follows:
# apt install \
python-dev \
[Ubuntu] Installing common dependencies
Some CK packages and Caffe require common Linux utilities (e.g. make, cmake, wget), which can be installed as follows:
# apt install \
coreutils \
build-essential \
make \
cmake \
wget \
[Ubuntu] Installing Caffe dependencies
The BVLC Caffe framework has quite a few dependencies. If you've already run Caffe on your machine, it's likely that you've already satisfied all of them. If not, however, you can easily install them in one gollop as follows:
# apt install \
libboost-all-dev \
libgflags-dev \
libgoogle-glog-dev \
libhdf5-serial-dev \
liblmdb-dev \
libleveldb-dev \
libprotobuf-dev \
protobuf-compiler \
libsnappy-dev \
# pip install \
NB: On NVIDIA's Tegra platform, install OpenCV either via JetPack or something like:
# apt install \
[Ubuntu] Installing optional dependencies
# apt install \
# pip install \
jupyter \
pandas numpy scipy matplotlib \
scikit-image scikit-learn \
[Ubuntu] Checking all dependencies
You can check all the dependencies on an Ubuntu system by running this notebook. (View the output of this notebook on an Odroid XU3 board here.)
[Ubuntu] Installing CK
Please proceed to installing CK.
[Gentoo] Installing CK-Caffe dependencies
Installing the dependencies is recommended via 'emerge'
(for standard
Gentoo packages), or 'pip install'
(for standard Python packages, typically
of more recent versions than those available via 'emerge'
). This can be
simply done by opening a Linux shell and copying-and-pasting commands from
cells below.
[Gentoo] Installing core CK dependencies
Collective Knowledge has only two dependencies: Python (2.x and 3.x) and Git, which can be installed as follows:
# emerge \
dev-lang/python \
[Gentoo] Installing common dependencies
Some CK packages and Caffe require common Linux utilities (e.g. make, cmake, wget), which can be installed as follows:
# emerge \
sys-devel/gcc \
sys-devel/make \
dev-util/cmake \
net-misc/wget \
[Gentoo] Installing Caffe dependencies
The BVLC Caffe framework has quite a few dependencies. If you've already run Caffe on your machine, it's likely that you've already satisfied all of them. If not, however, you can easily install them in one gollop as follows:
# emerge \
dev-libs/boost \
dev-util/boost-build \
dev-cpp/gflags \
dev-cpp/glog \
sci-libs/hdf5 \
dev-db/lmdb \
dev-libs/leveldb \
dev-libs/protobuf \
app-arch/snappy \
# pip install \
[Gentoo] Installing optional dependencies
# emerge \
# pip install \
jupyter \
pandas numpy scipy matplotlib \
scikit-image scikit-learn \
[Gentoo] Installing CK
Please proceed to installing CK.
[Yocto] Installing CK-Caffe dependencies
NB: This section is work-in-progress.
NB: Not all CK-Caffe dependencies can be automatically installed on Yocto.
Add the following Bitbake layers to your bblayers.conf
(e.g. build/build/conf/bblayers.conf
${TOPDIR}/../poky/meta \
${TOPDIR}/../poky/meta-yocto \
${TOPDIR}/../poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-linaro/meta-linaro-toolchain \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-python \
[Yocto] Installing core CK dependencies
Collective Knowledge has only two dependencies: Python (2.x and 3.x) and Git.
Add the following to your image recipes:
# Core CK dependencies.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append... = " \
python \
git \
[Yocto] Installing common dependencies
Some CK packages and Caffe require common Linux utilities (e.g. make, cmake, wget).
Add the following to your image recipes:
# Common CK-Caffe dependencies.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append... = " \
gcc \
make \
cmake \
wget \
zlib \
python-setuptools \
python-pip \
[Yocto] Installing Caffe dependencies
The BVLC Caffe framework has quite a few dependencies. If you've already run Caffe on your machine, it's likely that you've already satisfied all of them. If not, however, you may need to install some of them manually.
[Yocto] Installing Caffe dependencies automatically
You can install some of the Caffe dependencies automatically by adding the following to your image recipes:
# Caffe dependencies.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append... = " \
boost \
libunwind \
glog \
protobuf \
leveldb \
opencv \
opencv-samples \
libopencv-core \
libopencv-highgui \
libopencv-imgproc \
libopencv-features2d \
libopencv-calib3d \
libopencv-flann \
libopencv-ocl \
NB: This list probably overapproximates the real dependencies.
Also, run:
# pip install \
[Yocto] Installing Caffe dependencies manually
[Yocto] hdf5
[Yocto] lmdb
$ cd tmp/
$ wget
$ tar xvzf LMDB_0.9.18.tar.gz
$ cd lmdf-LMDB-0.9.18/libraries/liblmdb
$ make && make install
NB: Installs to /usr/local/
by default.
[Yocto] gflags
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ cd gflags-2.1.2
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fPIC
[Yocto] snappy
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ tar xvzf snappy-1.1.3.tar.gz
$ cd snappy-1.1.3
$ ./configure
$ make -j4 && make install
NB: Installs to /usr/local/
by default.
[Yocto] Installing CK
Please proceed to installing CK.
Installing CK
Clone CK from GitHub into e.g. '$HOME/CK'
$ git clone $HOME/CK
Add the following to your '$HOME/.bashrc'
and run 'source ~/.bashrc'
after that:
# Collective Knowledge.
export CK_ROOT=${HOME}/CK
export PATH=${HOME}/CK/bin:$PATH
Install the Python interface to CK:
$ cd $HOME/CK && sudo python install
Test that both the command line and Python interfaces work:
$ ck version
$ python -c "import ck.kernel as ck; print (ck.__version__)"
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