LCR Manual Control Troubleshooting - directedmachines/customer-support GitHub Wiki

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This page describes diagnosing issues during manual control.

Erratic Behavior

If control of the robot through Manual UI is erratic, stops and starts, the most common cause is poor WiFi connection between robot and controlling device (Phone).

  • Turn off phone WiFi. Wait a few seconds, turn back on and connect to robot SSID
  • Determine if erratic behavior stops if you are controlling from caster side vs axle side. WiFi antenna is mounted on the axle side, by the 3PT hitch

To confirm it is WiFi related, SSH into robot and display logs

tail -f /var/log/syslog

You might see the following logs:

Sep 10 07:54:09 LCR24ZS0-703442644098d7215[10990]: [1405][S][2022-09-10T14:54:09.673Z][11][8000][exceptionCaught][Listener channel exception: Connection reset by peer] Sep 10 07:54:09 LCR24ZS0-703442644098d7215[10990]: [1407][S][2022-09-10T14:54:09.677Z][102][8000][exceptionCaught][Listener channel exception: Connection reset by peer]

Connection resets indicate an unstable connection.

Further diagnosis requires the robot to be e-stopped.

  • Press e-stop
  • Open solar panel and tray cover
  • Very carefully, check SMA connections between Modem (black box by right corner, axle side, inside tray) and extension cable to wifi antenna inside cable gland


'High Log Count Detected'

A component of the software runtime is producing warning messages at a high rate. Please contact the software team (send email to support)

'AXLE_3PT_LIFT fault'

Cause: the pico tray 004260 stopped responding over USB An email alert should be sent as well. If you restart CAP it sends a second alert and then restarts and runs a script to reset the USB driver and autorecover the connection.

"Obstacle Sensors powered down (IDLE)"

Obstacle avoidance and the realsense camera sensors are in an idle state, not streaming images. When manual UI or AGT is active, the cameras and obstacle avoidance will normally be in an ACTIVE state. This false positive IDLE, can happen if the self monitoring task service has not started or is in stuck state. Contact a software developer (or send a support email).

"Obstacles close"

Obstacles within a given region or corrupted / frozen depth sensor images. See Camera Troubleshooting - Corrupted Depth Image

"Obstacle Avoidance Bias enabled"

See failure to apply bias warning in AGT

"Obstacles, Ignored, Caution!"

Obstacle avoidance set to "ignore" instead of "avoid". Note: only disable obstacle avoidance in rare occasions

"Drive Disabled"

Robot motion is software-disabled. This automatically happens after a reboot or triggering the E-stop. This warning in yellow is coupled with a red flashing "disabled". Enable motion by hitting the "Active" button under the drive control.

If the fault won't clear follow the e-stop troubleshooting instructions here: E-Stop Faults

"Another user is active: Linux armv8l:1659531773256"

The warning displays when multiple users are active (the listed OS and ID following the ':' depends on the user's computer). Ensure that multiple browser tabs, phones, computers, or remote SSH connections are not active. If the issue persists it could be due to USB instability, see Camera Troubleshooting


For a LEFT or RIGHT MOTOR disconnect, review the Drivetrain Disconnected Motor Guide

For an AXLE_AUX_MOTOR disconnect, review the Mowing Deck Disconnected Motor Guide

"LEFT|RIGHT|AXLE_AUX_MOTOR Controller Disconnected"

The motor controllers communicate with USB to the CPU and USB enumeration failed.

Follow the Motor Controller Disconnected guide

'Invalid db9 switch state'

Check that the db9 connector is fully seated in the AUX MC. If that does not fix it, double-check the order and routing of the USB cables, cables may be in wrong port.

AUX Operation