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Focus is the next generation cross language lightweight RPC framework. It can quickly and easily develop microservice applications, which greatly simplifies RPC programming.


Design Idea

  • Modular client and server APIs, scalable system architecture, and framework core less than 1 MB in size.
  • Support a variety of serialization protocol at the same time - Jackson and Protobuff
  • Layered architecture, including API layer, Proxy layer, Invoke layer, Protocol layer, Transport layer
  • Pluggable service discovery - registry with Clutch for Zookeeper, Consul, Nacos

Ease of use

  • Out of the box client-side and server-side API
  • Spring boot starter integration friendly
  • Support synchronous, asynchronous and generalized calls


  • Efficient custom protocol (Photon message exchange protocol and Focus RPC protocol)
  • High-performance NIO socket framework support - Netty4

Quick Start

The quick start gives a basic example of running client and server on the same machine. For more advanced examples, please refer to the example project : focus-example. For the detailed information about using and developing Focus, please jump to Documents.

The minimum requirements to run the quick start are:

  • JDK 1.8 or above
  • A java-based project management software like [Maven][maven] or [Gradle][gradle]

Synchronous calls

  1. create maven project focus-quickstart and add dependencies to pom.
  1. create FooService interface.
package focus.quickstart;

public interface FooService {
    public String hello(String name);
  1. create FooService implement.
package focus.quickstart.server;

import focus.quickstart.FooService;

public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService {

    public String hello(String name) {
        return "hello " + name;

  1. create focus server and exporting service.
package focus.quickstart.server;

import java.io.IOException;

import com.dinstone.focus.server.FocusServer;
import com.dinstone.focus.server.ServerOptions;
import com.dinstone.loghub.Logger;
import com.dinstone.loghub.LoggerFactory;

import focus.quickstart.FooService;

public class FocusServerBootstrap {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FocusServerBootstrap.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ServerOptions serverOptions = new ServerOptions().listen("localhost", 3333)
        FocusServer server = new FocusServer(serverOptions);

        // exporting service
        server.exporting(FooService.class, new FooServiceImpl());

        // server.start();
        LOG.info("server start");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.info("server stop");

  1. create focus client to importing service and invoke RPC.
package focus.quickstart.client;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;

import focus.quickstart.FooService;

public class FocusClientBootstrap {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClientOptions option = new ClientOptions().setEndpoint("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333);
        FocusClient client = new FocusClient(option);
        try {
            FooService fooService = client.importing(FooService.class);
            String reply = fooService.hello("dinstone");
        } finally {


Asynchronous calls

  1. create service interface for async invoke RPC.
package focus.quickstart.client;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public interface FooAsyncService {
    public CompletableFuture<String> hello(String name);
  1. create focus client to importing service and async invoke RPC.
package focus.quickstart.client;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.ImportOptions;

public class FocusClientAsyncCallBootstrap {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ClientOptions option = new ClientOptions().setEndpoint("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333);
        FocusClient client = new FocusClient(option);
        try {
            ImportOptions importOptions = new ImportOptions("focus.quickstart.FooService");
            FooAsyncService fooService = client.importing(FooAsyncService.class, importOptions);
            CompletableFuture<String> replyFuture = fooService.hello("dinstone");
        } finally {


Generic calls

  1. the generalized call does not need to build the client interface class

  2. create focus client to importing GenericService and sync/async invoke RPC.

package focus.quickstart.client;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.GenericService;

public class FocusClientGenericCallBootstrap {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ClientOptions option = new ClientOptions().setEndpoint("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333);
        FocusClient client = new FocusClient(option);
        try {
            GenericService genericService = client.generic("focus.quickstart.FooService", null, 3000);

            String reply = genericService.sync(String.class, "hello", "dinstone");
            System.out.println("sync call reply : " + reply);

            CompletableFuture<String> replyFuture = genericService.async(String.class, "hello", "dinstone");
            System.out.println("async call reply : " + replyFuture.get());
        } finally {

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