Line list creation - dime-worldbank/Disease-Modelling-SSA GitHub Wiki

The line list is a text file with aggregate data at the district level on number of cases at the starting point of the epidemic to be simulated. It consists of 2 variables 'district' and 'count'. Districts are formated to start with 'd_', followed by the administrative code between 1 and 60. For example Harare would be 'd_2'.

Not all districts are necessarily listed in the line list given that, at the start of the epidemic to be modelled, there may only be a few cases disbursed across a handful of districts in the population. these 'seed cases' will go on to influence the trajectory of the outbreak, both nationally and spatially, between districts.

We also create different line lists with different starting numbers of cases when testing different percentage samples of the census population. (i.e. 5%, 20%, 50%, 75% and 100%)

Any edits to line_list data should ensure to follow the format outlined above, otherwise the model will not recognise the input fields.