Capacitive_Touch_Key_Pad_16_keys - dimaatmelodromru/techdoc GitHub Wiki
Capacitive Touch Key Pad 16 keys ( features 16 4x4 touch buttons. This compact, inexpensive keyboard can connect to any capacitive touch module. It is a full-featured touch keyboard that can be easily integrated into a professional control system or microcontroller application. Touch panels are numbered 1 to 16 and can be marked with a felt-tip pen. Included: board and jumper and FF wires 150 mm long.
Consider connecting a keyboard to an Arduino board. To connect, we will use a 16-key capacitive touch TTP229 I2C module, which is connected to the microcontroller via the I2C bus .
Connection according to the connection diagram:
TT_TouchKeypadTTP229 library can be downloaded from the link
The library must be copied to the libraries folder of the Arduino IDE.
This library uses the standard Wire.h library, which must be included in the sketch.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <TT_TouchKeypadTTP229.h>
Let's write a sketch to determine which keys are pressed on the touch keyboard and output to the serial port. When writing a sketch, we use the TT_TouchKeypadTTP229 library. Sketch Content:
// library connection
#include "Wire.h"
#include <TT_TouchKeypadTTP229.h>
// create an instance
TT_TouchKeypadTTP229 touchpad;
void setup() {
void loop() {
byte aa, bb = 0;
// receive data from Capacitive touch TTP229 I2C module
touchpad.getKeys(&aa, &bb);
// print received values
delay (1000);
// byte output function
void printByte(byte bytePrint) {
// pass through the received bits
for (unsigned int mask = 0x80; mask; mask >> = 1) {
If (mask & bytePrint) {
Serial.print ('1');
else {
We load the sketch onto the Arduino board, open the serial port monitor and look at the keyboard status output using the 1-16 button (1 - pressed, 0 - pressed):
As an example of use, we create a visualization project on an LED matrix of keyboard touches.
We will use the following components:
Arduino UNO board - 1;
Keyboard Capacitive Touch Key Pad 16 keys - 1;
16 Keys Capacitive touch TTP229 I2C module - 1;
LED matrix 8x8 - 1;
Jumper wires - 9.
Component connection diagram:
We will use the Max72xxPanel library ( In addition, you need to install the Adafruit-GFX-Library, which is necessary for displaying graphic primitives on displays.
Each key corresponds to a 2x2 square on the matrix screen. The coordinates will be stored in an array.
// array of display space matching
// keyboard keys
struct KOORD {
int x;
int y;
KOORD koords[][4]={{{0,0},{0,1},{1,0},{1,1}},
After reading the status of the keyboard from the 16 Keys Capacitive touch TTP229 I2C module, we display the squares corresponding to the keys pressed. Sketch Content:
// library for TP229
#include "Wire.h"
#include <TT_TouchKeypadTTP229.h>
// create an instance of the object
TT_TouchKeypadTTP229 touchpad;
// libraries for the matrix
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Max72xxPanel.h>
// pin CS
int pinCS = 8;
// number of matrices horizontally
int numberOfHorizontal = 1;
// number of matrices vertically
int numberOfVertical = 1;
// create an instance of the object
Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontal, numberOfVertical);
// array of display space matching
// keyboard keys
struct KOORD {
int x;
int y;
KOORD koords[][4]={{{0,0},{0,1},{1,0},{1,1}},
void setup() {
// brightness from 0 to 15
matrix.setIntensity (6);
void loop () {
byte aa, bb = 0;
unsigned int aabb;
// receive data from Capacitive touch TTP229 I2C module
touchpad.getKeys(& aa, & bb);
// print received values
aabb = (aa << 8) + bb;
// display output
// pause before the next request
// function to output keyboard data to the matrix
void printMatrixAll(unsigned int bytePrint) {
// pass through the received bits
int i = 0;
for (unsigned int mask = 0x8000; mask; mask >> = 1) {
If (mask & bytePrint) {
PrintMatrixOne (i, 1);
else {
PrintMatrixOne (i, 0);
// output all pixels to the matrix
// data output function for one key per matrix
void printMatrixOne(int pos, int data) {
// 4 positions from the array
for (int i = 0; i <4; i ++) {
// set the pixel value
matrix.drawPixel(koords[pos][i].x, koords[pos][i].y, data);
Download the sketch to the Arduino board, and check the operation of the program.