Soldering and assembling - dilshan/avr-hv2 GitHub Wiki

To overcome soldering difficulties this project uses standard, through-hole type components. All the parts of this PCB can solder using regular 30W - 40W soldering iron, or by using a general-purpose soldering station.


  • While assembling the PCB, make sure to solder all Arduino pin headers from the top side of the PCB.

  • To avoid short-circuits we recommend placing insulation tapes to the whites squares marked at the bottom side of the PCB.

Bottom side of the PCB.

Preparing Arduino Mega 2560 board

Before connecting the AVR-HV2 shield, make sure to load the Arduino sketch into the board. Arduino IDE version 1.8, or a newer version can be used to transfer a sketch into the board.

Arduino board with shield

After loading the sketch, disconnect the board from the PC and install the AVR-HV2 shield into the Arduino Mega board. As a next step, connect 12V power supply unit and USB cable into the Arduino board.

Arduino connections

Once the power is applied, wait for 10 - 15 seconds to boot the firmware. Also, before using the programmer, close the Arduino IDE to release the allocated COM port.