Bill of materials - dilshan/avr-hv2 GitHub Wiki

The following tables contain components needed to assemble the AVR High Voltage Programmer 2. To simplify the assembly process this project uses through-hole type components.

Reference designator Value Quantity Notes
R1, R3 10KΩ 2 1/8W Resistor
R2, R4 220Ω 2 1/8W Resistor
R5 4.7KΩ 1 1/8W Resistor
Q1, Q3 2SC945 2
Q2, Q4 2SA733 2
D1 3mm RED LED 1
ZIF1 10.16mm 28-Pin ZIF Socket or Female Header 1
ZIF2 15.24mm 40-Pin ZIF Socket or Female Header 1
J1 1×8 way 2.5mm Pin Header 1 Yellow color
J2 2×6 way 2.5mm Pin Header 1 Black color
1×40 way 2.5mm Pin Header 1 Black color

In addition to the above components following parts are needed to test the AVR-HV2 programmer:

For Q1, Q2, Q3 and, Q4, use any matching NPN/PNP transistor pairs. During the prototyping stages, we successfully test this programmer with commonly available general-purpose NPN/PNP transistor pairs such as 2N3904 and 2N3906, BC547 and BC557, etc.