installing video players - diglet48/restim GitHub Wiki

Use the similar steps / strategies as described in the MFP Installation Guide link for finding and installing video players.

MPV example:

  1. Search (Google) "MPV player".
  2. Select an installation (Sourceforge is a good choice).
  3. Download the latest version appropriate for your operating system.
  4. Unzip the files.
  5. Run the MPV.exe file Note: Free software comes with a cost. The user (you) must be a creative problem solver. The MVP program files are compressed in a .7z format. If you don't know how to unzip these files, then Google "how do I unzip .7z files?". Answer: Use the free 7-Zip File Manager program. So, download and install 7-Zip, and use it to unzip the MVP program package.