help with calibration - diglet48/restim GitHub Wiki


One of the main problems with e-stim is that everybody's body and hardware are different. This leads to frequent complaints that certain stimfiles put too much or too little sensation to the head. Restim allows you to modify signals to your tastes.

The main interface offers three controls and is shown below:

Screenshot of calibration interface

The most important settings are Neutral power and Right power. These adjust the volume of the top/bottom and right/left of the phase diagram, respectively.

To calibrate, select the circle pattern and slowly increase the volume. It's likely that you will only feel something when phase diagram indicates a position in the top of the circle. Decrease the neutral power until the top and bottom position feels equally strong. Repeat the same for the right power setting.

The goal is to adjust the neutral and right parameters until the signal intensity is equal all around the circle.

The Center power setting adjusts the volume when the position is at the center, use any of the other patterns to calibrate this. Almost always a value from -0.5 to -0.7 works.

Suggested settings

For the electrode setup neutral = head, left = shaft, right = balls, I found that that Neutral -5.2, Right -0.7 and center -0.5 is a good starting point.