funscript conversion - diglet48/restim GitHub Wiki

Funscript Conversion 1D to 2D

restim can convert 1D funscript files (typical one dimensional funscript files, e.g. found on Milovana or Eroscripts ) to 2D (2 axes of freedom) funscript files.

  1. Open (run) the restim program.
  2. Click on Tools in the upper left menu bar.
  3. Select Funscript conversion, a pop-up window appears. Restim Funscript Conversion
  4. Select the 1D funscript file to convert the ... box on the top line. The names of the alpha and beta funscript files will appear on the Alpha and Beta axis lines.
  5. Click the Convert button, and wait until the log file box shows the conversion has completed.