Codesniffers - digitalutsc/islandora_lite_docs GitHub Wiki


For detailed installation and usage instructions, visit Getting Started and Phan Tutorial.

  1. Install Phan.
isle-dc/codebase$ composer require phan/phan
  1. Install Phan dependency: php-ast. Installation instructions can be found here.

  2. Create isle-dc/codebase/.phan/config.php

Sample Configuration File


return [
    // Supported values: `'5.6'`, `'7.0'`, `'7.1'`, `'7.2'`, `'7.3'`,
    // `'7.4'`, `'8.0'`, `'8.1'`, `null`.
    'target_php_version' => 8.1,

    // directories to parse and analyze
    'directory_list' => [

    'exclude_file_regex' => '@^vendor/.*/(tests?|Tests?)/@',
    'exclude_analysis_directory_list' => [

    'analyzed_file_extensions' => [

For more configuration options, please see:

  1. Run Phan.
isle-dc/codebase$ ./vendor/bin/phan

Generating separate output files for different modules


src=web/modules/contrib # directory containing modules
dest=phan_logs # output directory

mkdir -p $dest

# get phan output
./vendor/bin/phan -o $output

# generate separate files for each module
for module in $src/*; do

    msgs=$dest/$(basename "$module").txt
    grep "$module" $output > $msgs

    # remove file if empty (no logs)
    if [ -z $(grep '[^[:space:](/digitalutsc/islandora_lite_docs/wiki/--z-$(grep-'[^[:space:)' $msgs) ]]; then
        rm $msgs


To run: isle-dc/codebase$ ./

If permission denied, check if you have execute permissions by running ls -l If not, run chmod +x


  1. Install PHPStan
composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan
  1. Run PHPStan
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse path1 path2 path3 ...

For more options, see PHPStan Documentation

Drupal Deprecation Analysis

See mglaman/drupal-check: Rollback update to PHPStan level 2 for deprecation analysis

Useful Extensions

PHPStan Deprecation Rules

PHPStan Deprecation Rules helps detect deprecation errors.

To install:

composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules
composer require --dev phpstan/extension-installer

Generating output files for each module in a directory

This shell script runs PHPStan against each subdirectory within the specified dir.


dir="web/modules/contrib" # directory containing modules

target="phpstan_logs" # output directory
mkdir -p $target

for module in $dir/*; do
    out=$target/$(basename "$module").txt

    if ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse $module > $out; then
        # delete file if no errors
        rm $out

Run using the command: ./

If permission denied, check if you have execute permissions by running ls -l If not, run chmod +x


  1. Install drupal-check
composer require mglaman/drupal-check --dev
  1. Run
path/to/vendor/bin/drupal-check -d dir/to/analyze

See drupal-check for more configuration options.

Running drupal-check against multiple directories

This shell script runs drupal-check against each subdirectory within the specified dir, generating individual output files for each.


dir="web/modules/contrib" # directory containing modules to run drupal-check against
target="drupal_check_logs" # output directory

mkdir -p $target

for module in $dir/*; do
    out=$target/$(basename "$module").txt
    ./vendor/bin/drupal-check -d $module > $out

To run: isle-dc/codebase$ ./

If permission denied, check if you have execute permissions by running ls -l If not, run chmod +x