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IIF Viewers

Islandora uses Cantaloupe to provide IIIF images, and we are using Islandora’s Open SeaDragon integration for our IIIF viewer for both books and large images. The viewer offers drag and drop manifest capabilities. IIIF2 support. Only used for images.

Mirador Viewer

A Drupal 9 field formatter and block that can display an image or paged content using an IIIF image server and the Mirador viewer. More information on the Mirador viewer can be found on the Project Mirador page.

This module's configuration can be found under Configuration > Media > Mirador Settings (admin/config/media/mirador). This is where the IIIF Manifest URL for single media should be configured, and this should link to the path of the Media IIIF Manifest view. Configuration of the IIIF Manifest URL for content with multiple pages is done separately when placing a block.

The field formatter can be used to display content with a single image. This works on content that contains a field with an entity reference to a media item of the image type.

To use the field formatter, change the display format to Mirador under Structure > Media types > Image > Edit > Manage display (admin/structure/media/manage/image/display).

The block can be used to display paged content. This can work with a couple different node structures, but all require the manual set-up of a IIIF Manifest view.

To create a new IIIF Manifest view go to Structure > Views > Add view (admin/structure/views/add), check "Provide a REST export", and provide a path (such as node/%node/book-manifest).

  1. Under Advanced > Relationships, add a relationship to the field used for images.
  2. Under Format, change the Show from "Entity" to "Fields".
  3. Add a field "Image" from category "Media", and ensure that the relationship is the one set up in the earlier step.
  4. Under Format, change the Format from "Serializer" to "IIIF Manifest", and make sure the Media is selected under Tile source field(s).
  5. Under Advanced > Contextual Filters, add a contextual filter based on the structure of your content.

Below are some examples of content structures and ways to set up the contextual filter for the manifest view:

  • Recommended: For a content type where each node only has 1 image and each node has a field that specifies if the node is a "part of" another node, the contextual filter can be set as the name of that field "part of".
  • For a content type where each node can have more than 1 image, the filter can be set as the content ID.

The filter and sorting criteria in the view can be modified as wanted.

Once the manifest is set up, the block can be placed by going to Structure > Block layout (admin/structure/block) and placing the Mirador block under Content. When prompted for a IIIF Manifest URL, enter the URL to the manifest created earlier. The block's visibility can be set, just like any other Drupal block.


We are using AblePlayer as the successor for the Oral History Module in Islandora 7. Our module extends the available Drupal module to provide a transcript panel underneath the player, and integrates the module better with Islandora Lite.

AblePlayer is a native html5 player that has been integrated with Drupal to allow for the display of multiple captioning files, and their display on audio and video files.

Note: If a speaker mark (square or angle bracket) appears anywhere in a queue (piece of the transcript associated with a timecode), that queue will be the paragraph break in the player.

Web Archive Player

IslandoraLite integrates with the WebRecorder's Replayweb.page viewer project to provide a viewer for Web Archives. See the Module repository. Further information is available in our Code4lib article

CSV File Formatter

Archive (Zip) Viewer


Views Nested Details (Newspaper Issues Accordion)

Newspaper support: https://github.com/Natkeeran/views_nested_details